The New Apple OS 5 Is Amazing

Apple has done it again, on October 12, 2011, Apple released iOS 5, and I must say; I am very impressed. If you are still running iOS 4, you definitely need to be sycning your iPhone to your Mac (for the last time), or PC to get this awesome update.

Back in June, Apple first previewed the upcoming iOS 5 for iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. After months of impatiently awaiting its arrival, the newest version of iOS is finally here! Apple promised many new features such as iCloud integration, notifications, and the removal of tethering for updates, and even syncing. After putting it through the rounds, I can say that iOS 5 is a worthy download and brings many exciting new features to the table, while just playing catch up on a couple of others. According to Apple, there are over 200 new features in iOS, but I'm going to focus on what I consider to be some of the most compelling changes to iOS 5 that makes this a worthy upgrade.

Apple has introduced several completely new items to its OS such as Notifications, Newsstand, Twitter Integration, Reminders, PC-free technology, and iMessage. Many other items we will focus on are not new to iOS, but have seen some major improvements this time around.

PC Free Technology

The PC Free technology found in iOS 5 is probably one of the most compelling reasons I can give you to switch to Apple's newest version of iOS. For years competitors like Android have enjoyed the ability to work completely without the need for a PC or Mac, something that has always been lacking for those of us using Apple devices. While you will have to hook up to your PC, or Mac one last time to initiate this update, after it is complete you will be able to directly update wirelessly, perform photo editing, and manage email folders all without the need for the PC. This may seem like no big deal for users of other platforms, but for Apple iOS users, this is great news. If PC Free Technology is something that interests you, you can visit our website to learn how to use the iPhone in-depth with our free tutorials.


For those familiar with the BlackBerry platform, iMessage is a lot like what we have seen with their Messenger program. With iMessage you can exchange unlimited messages across all iOS 5 devices through email or phone number. This app will send the messages through the Internet instead of counting against your messaging plan, and automatically detects if one of your contacts is running iOS 5. The new app will also indicate when someone is currently typing to you, has group messaging abilities, and delivery receipts.


Like iMessage, this new feature to iOS 5 isn't exactly a brand new concept and has been a staple of the Android platform since its launch. Notifications will no longer interrupt your work like they did before iOS 5. Notifications can be dragged down for observation at any time by swiping your finger from the top of the screen towards the bottom. Though this may not seem like the most important change; as a user of both Android, and iOS platforms I welcome this change as just another way Apple is making it easier and more convenient to switch to an iPhone. As the iPhone continues to improve, I find less and less reasons to stick with the competition. The notifications feature is actually my favorite aspect to this update, and that is why I will be writing about it and other features of the iPhone, as well as teaching you how to use an iPhone better on my website.


Essentially this is more like a graphical folder, but for those who have magazine subscriptions online it provides an automatically updating virtual magazine rack that makes it easier to organize your current magazines. Although a feature found on all iOS 5 devices, it will probably be a more welcomed feature with the iPad, and it's bigger screen.

Twitter Integration and Safari

Thanks to Twitter integration users will now be able to tweet from within the image gallery, and the Camera application. You can also add a location sync using Twitter with contacts, and tweet directly from Maps, YouTube, and the Safari browser.
Beyond Twitter integration, Safari also adds a few other new features, such as a reader option. This new option removes ads, and complicated layouts to provide a simplified add-free RSS-like experience while still keeping photos present. Safari also adds tabbed browsing to the iPad, and on all iOS devices you can save stories through a special bookmarking system for later viewing.


I have already fallen in love personally with the concept of Reminders, which allow you to create simple to-do lists that have dates and GPS location. This means that you can set a reminder of something you need to do when you get home and when you arrive at your house, a notification will pop up reminding you of what needs to be done. As someone with a minor case of forgetfulness, I find this a pretty interesting concept that I look forward to utilizing.

Camera Changes

This time around, you can access your camera even while your phone is in the lock screen. Another major change to the way you use the camera is that you can edit your shots removing red-eye, and crop them all without the need for a PC, or Mac.

Game Center

Last, but certainly not least, we have a few new changes to Game Center. For us gamers, iOS 5 offers profile photos, achievements that are comparable, and even recommends new games based on what you currently have in your library. Apple made some get changes here by giving Game Center a little more of a social feel, and allowing you to purchase games directly from the Game Center.

So in Conclusion...

You are probably already preparing to sync up to your iOS device right now, and I don't blame you. Although iOS 5 may not have had as many life changing features as iOS 4, it still brings a lot to the table. Notifications simplify life while PC Free technology finally gives us the ability to roam far way from the PC, and not look back. No matter what you like about iOS, such as gaming, photo editing, or social interaction it's clear that iOS 5 delivers something new and worthy for all of us. The final thing that I would suggest is that if you are wanting to learn how to use your iphone better than you have ever, check out my website that is dedicated to that topic.


Tags: Apple iOS 5, how to use an iphone, iPhone, iphone help, iphone tips

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