The New SecureBridge Version with Support for RAD Studio XE4, NEXTGEN Compiler and IOS Released

Devart presents the new SecureBridge 6.0, a set of network security and data protection solutions for such IDEs as RAD Studio, Delphi, C++Builder, Lazarus (and Free Pascal), and now with support for RAD Studio XE4, NEXTGEN compiler and iOS.

Devart Team is proud to present the latest SecureBridge version 6.0 with improved performance and new significant features. The enhanced cross-platform solution provides even more possibilities for developers to protect TCP traffic and establish secure connections.

The latest version of Secure Bridge presents the following great features:

- The latest RAD Studio XE4 support, that gives our users opportunity to develop their applications using the cutting-edge IDE for all the supported target-platforms: Win32, Win64, Mac OS, and iOS.

- Support for iOS application development, that gives an unrivalled opportunity to establish secure connections from applications, independently on whether developers run them on iPhone/iPad or debug them in iOS Simulator.

- Full support for NEXTGEN compiler. Now developers can use SecureBridge in applications using the whole set of features of the new NEXTGEN compiler.

More detailed information about other new features in SecureBridge can be found on the product's Features page.

Pricing and Availability

The fully functional version of SecureBridge can be immediately downloaded for a 60-day trial period on the following page - Give it a test run and don't hesitate to get it for a permanent use. To purchase the latest version of SecureBridge, visit the Ordering page - The price of SecureBridge Standatd Edition starts form $99.95.

About Devart

Devart is a recognized vendor of database connectivity solutions for Microsoft .NET and Embarcadero Delphi development platforms as well as database development and management software.
Company's solutions support such databases as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, InterBase, Firebird, and SQLite.
Along with database oriented software Devart offers productivity tools for Visual Studio which help developers to be empowered, stay focused, and deliver their best all the time.
For additional information about Devart, visit


Tags: a, BlowFish, C++Builder, Delphi, Devart, dsa, encryption, IOS, nextgen compiler, rad studio xe4, RSA, SecureBridge, security, server, SHA1, ssh, SSH2

About Devart

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Devart is a recognized vendor of database connectivity solutions for Microsoft .NET and Embarcadero Delphi development platforms as well as database development and management software.

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