The New Way To Power Cities

Mechanical Energy that can power cities cheaper, cleaner, and less hazardous than nuclear, coal, or gas. Mechanical is even better than wind and solar for it will run twenty four hours a day while being located anywhere compared to solar and wind.

Jerry Blevins the inventor of Mechanical Energy that can power cities cheaper, cleaner, and less hazardous than nuclear, coal, or gas. Mechanical is even better than wind and solar for it will run twenty four hours a day while being located anywhere compared to solar and wind. Mechanical energy power plant is the future that will allow us to create new jobs, advance in the electric car industry, and progress with our growing demand for more energy than past decades.

Jerry blevins the inventor of mechanical energy has already started contacting some local, state, federal governments, and companies to start building Mechanical energy drive power plants. At this time Jerry Blevins ask you the consumer to voice your opinion for a safer, cleaner, and cheaper energy source to power your homes and business now.

To contact Jerry Blevins for more information at: [email protected] or (540) 335-0228. To learn more please vist about all projects.


Tags: AFFORDABLE energy, clean energy, JOB PRODUCING ENERGY, Power Plants

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Jerry Blevins
Press Contact, Jerry The Inventor
Jerry The Inventor
109 Farm Hill Lane
Toms Brook, VA 22660