The Official Illinois Medical Marijuana Is Network Now Accepting Patients, Caregivers and Supporters

The Illinois Medical Marijuana Network is an organization whose sole purpose is to "connect patients with providers", as beginning January 1, 2014, Illinois will be enacting the compassionate use of medical marijuana and making it legal.

With Illinois becoming the 20th state to implement the compassionate use of medical marijuana law(s) beginning January 1, 2014, there is still currently little to no information for patients and their caregivers and/or supporters, leaving the people most in need with, ironically, the least amount of information.

As the use of medical marijuana grows in acceptance nationwide and soon becomes legal in Illinois, patients, caregivers and supporters of the new law are now being accepted for free subscriptions to the official Illinois Medical Marijuana Network (IMMN) newsletter. The IMMN will be "Connecting Patients with Providers" while providing information and updates that are often requested.

"Patients with severe and limiting conditions such as multiple sclerosis or certain types of debilitating cancers have enough challenges as it is", states Mr. Bloome, President of the IMMN. "As our network develops statewide, we want to be able to make the information patients need during this new paradigm shift in acceptable and legal healthcare as accessible and easy to find for patients."

Bloome continued, "While patients are, and always will be, our first priority, the Illinois Medical Marijuana Network will soon be accepting clinics, doctors, dispensaries, supply stores and more into the network to be listed so that patients in our free newsletter subscription database will easily be able to locate the help or facilities they need to legally obtain relief of their pain and/or symptoms."

While not "officially launched" yet, patients in Illinois are encouraged to begin subscribing now in order to be kept up to date in the development, laws and all other issues surrounding this new, and much welcomed, paradigm shift in Illinois healthcare that will ultimately help so many people.

"We are very pleased to have been officially licensed through the State of Illinois as well receiving the outpouring of support that the Illinois medical and alternate medicines community has shown us", says Bloome. "Our biggest barometer of success, however, will be when our statewide network is completed in the comprehensive manner we've planned, and we can connect all patients with the providers they need in any geographical area in the State of Illinois."

For more information, or to subscribe to the Illinois Medical Marijuana Network's free newsletter, visit

Steven M. Bloome
Illinois Medical Marijuana NetworkTM
PO Box 911
Bolingbrook, IL 60440
[email protected]


Tags: Illinois, Medical Cannabis, medical marijuana

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Steven M. Bloome
Press Contact, The Illinois Medical Marijuana Network
The Illinois Medical Marijuana Network
PO Box 911
Bolingbrook, IL 60440
United States