The Parallel Media Of The 2014 World Cup In Brazil

The campaign is designed to make the most of the global championship climate and link these actions to its clients' brands and services, which will be emotionally perceived by the target public.

The Consumidor Popular ("Low Income Consumer") Agency - which specializes in campaigns that generate brand and service perception by creating an intense emotional appeal among Brazil's middle class consumers - has several campaigns underway for the 2014 World Soccer Cup.

The agency's goal is to present its clients with inexpensive alternatives to take advantage of the immense middle class discussions focused on the 2014 World Cup, which will allow for an association between the collective emotion of the event and the purchase experiences and decisions of the consumers from the country's new middle class. These are individuals with family income from two to five minimum monthly salaries, or in other words, between R$ 1,356.00 (US$ 678.00) and R$ 3,390.00 (US$ 1,695.00), which will consume approximately R$ 1.1 trillion, or approximately US$ 550 billion, in 2013.

The agency's strategy of emotionally affecting and mobilizing middle class consumers is based on the verification of the high levels of functional illiteracy in Brazil: according to surveys conducted by the Functional Illiteracy Indicator (INAF) in partnership with the IBOPE Intelligence Paulo Montenegro Institute, one of the most prestigious research institutions in the country, one in every five Brazilians is a functional illiterate.

Three out of every 10 Brazilians, with ages ranging from 35 to 49 years of age, are also functional illiterates. The same statistic applies to those who declare themselves to be Afro-Brazilians.
Upon analysis of the so-called "new Brazilian middle class," which includes individuals from families with income ranging from two to five minimum monthly salaries, only 33% are fully literate, with half reading and writing at a basic level, 14% at an elementary level and a very small percentage (3%) illiterate.

A functional illiterate is someone who even though able to minimally decode letters and generally phrases, sentences, short texts and numbers, does not develop the skill of interpreting texts and performing mathematical operations.

Emotion that Mobilizes -- Through campaigns tailored to the cultural, religious and regional experiences of the consumers exposed to the messages of the Consumidor Popular Agency, it is possible to mobilize these middle class consumers, breaking the barrier of functional illiteracy that is often unsurpassable for advertising campaigns based only on conventional, discursive and conceptual messages.

One example of the campaigns underway is the organization of championships involving the so-called "field teams" (which, due to a lack of official sites, play their games on grassy fields in the city's peripheral areas), selected in the 12 cities that will host the 2014 World Cup. And through these championships, the campaign will display the sponsoring companies' brands on the uniforms, fields and those items sold to fans.

The campaign is designed to make the most of the global championship climate and link these actions to its clients' brands and services, which will be emotionally perceived by the target public, or in other words, consumers from the base of the pyramid, which will consume approximately R$ 1.1 trillion, or approximately US$ 550 billion, in 2013.


Tags: 2014, base of the pyramid, Brazil, brazilian, middle class, World Soccer Cup

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