The Portable Powder Pro
Online, June 24, 2014 ( - Millions of people supplement their fitness regimens with supplements, such as protein shakes and similar beverages. Many times these supplements involve the time consuming process of wrestling with bags and scoops. Also, with many of these supplements, you have to consume them within thirty minutes of working out, which may be impossible to achieve at times. The Powder Pro solves these problems of time and mess. The Powder Pro, a line of specially designed containers, has a serving apparatus for dietary and exercise supplements in powder form. It provides fitness-minded people, military personnel, or anyone, with a fast and convenient way of measuring and dispensing whatever kind of powder they need, while also keeping the powder dry and fresh. The Powder Pro can be used with practically any powder product (meal replacement powders, powdered baby formula, powdered sugar, etc.) and is also appropriate for virtually any liquid choice (water, juice, milk, Gatorade®, etc.) Televised test marketing has been completed indicating exceptional consumer interest in The Portable Powder Pro.
The Patent Pending Powder Pro was invented by Daniel Lahey of South Plainfield, NJ. Daniel, who has worked in specialty fitness equipment sales since 2007 and has a great passion for health and fitness, said, "The Powder Pro has a top storage area for one week's worth (up to seven daily servings with a 250g of powder capacity) of powdered supplements. The middle section has a manually twisted measuring apparatus and there is a top compartment. When the unit is turned upside down with the top compartment empty and the cap off, one then twists the center mechanism, dispensing out the powder into a liquid shaker of choice, even a water bottle. It is then turned right side up with the cap secured after the top compartment has been emptied."
The inventor added, "The Powder Pro concept can be expanded to offer a home-based dispensing system for dispensing one serving of a choice of three different powders. These powders are contained within vertically positioned cylindrical tubes, with a serving dispensed via push button operation. Commercial establishments, such as fitness centers, can use these machines, allowing customers to pay by the serving. Also, the Powder Pro can be prepackaged with popular supplements representing a wide range of varieties."
EDITOR'S NOTE: Development of this product is being handled by Invents Company. For more information about licensing or sale, contact the Licensing Department at Invents Company, 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107 New York, NY 10123. Tel: 212-620-2629
INVENTS Company — 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107 — New York, NY 10123
Tags: fitness centers, Health, spa, supplements