The Power Of Java In Modern World

Java Server Pages (JSPs) are one of the best server-side Java EE components that generate accurate responses, which could typically be an HTML page. Actually a Java Server Page has many hidden advantages, which the programmers discover, as they compa

JAVA is one of the latest upcoming programming languages, which comes with plenty of impressive features. It was initially released for the first time in the year 1995, developed by Sun Microsystems. Although a major part of Java's syntax is derived from object oriented languages like C++, it still has a very simple object model with fewer low-level facilities.

Java compilers, Java Virtual machines as well as the Java class libraries were basically developed in 1995, thanks to Sun Microsystems, soon after that they released the Java 1.0 in the year 1996, as the earliest public accomplishment, which promised Write-Once, Run-Anywhere concept and provided free run-time provision on a number of platforms.

Moreover, it underwent a very rapid evolution and Java gained widespread popularity mostly because of its ability to run the highly-secure Java applets as most of the popular online web-browsers incorporated in within no time.

Soon after that, J2SE 1.2 was released in December 1998, and later on became popular as Java 2, which had multiple configurations built for various platforms.

However, when the discussion boils down to the syntactical support of this language, Java doesn't really support C, C++ or any other style of similar pointer arithmetic, where one can alter the object address and integers interchangeably. JAVA incorporates another interesting technique of automatic garbage collection for managing memory efficiently in the object lifecycle, and the reason behind Java not supporting C/C++ pointer arithmetic is to facilitate the garbage collector in relocating the referenced objects, and ensuring type compatibility, safety and in turn security.

Basically the programmer needs to decide, when the objects must be actually created, and then the Java runtime takes care of recovering the memory after the object vanish. This process is fairly simple, as whenever all the references to any object get destroyed, the unreachable object is released by the garbage collector.

If you look at the basic idea behind the creation of this powerful language, as a whole five strong goals were the initial target, which included a neutral and portable architecture, robustness and security, appropriate interpretation, and multi-threading, quick execution with superb performance and last but surely not the least, the language must be dynamic, simple, object oriented, and pretty familiar, which is why Java resembles the well-known languages like C/C++, but differs in few aspects as discussed above.

Java incorporates automatic memory management model mainly to spare the programmers from manual management and rather helps them in learning the relevant technique instead of wasting time. The memory can be implicitly allocated on stack, or it could be explicitly allocated and de-allocated from heap.

Furthermore, the JavaServer Pages (JSPs) are one of the best server-side Java EE components that generate accurate responses, which could typically be an HTML page. Actually a Java Server Page has many hidden advantages, which the programmers discover, as they compare the results with that of the other methodologies, to implement the same thing.

J2ME is the base for all the portable and mobile device programming, and today Java is omni-present, irrespective of whether it is a web-page, mobile phone application or anything else.


Tags: J2SE 1.2, Java, Java 2, Java EE

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