The Power of Two
Online, October 24, 2012 (
The original vision for Rob and Marcie Linke's Bensonwood-designed dream
home was smart design with maximum energy efficiency. "While we didn't want
anything fancy, we did want a home that was somewhat modern," says Rob. "It
was important that the place had a calm, quiet, almost Zen feel. We also knew
what we wanted in materials: all glass, wood and stone."
The original plans included a massive concrete wall separating the foyer from the
great room and a gas fireplace in the dining area. Now completed, their Weston,
Connecticut house contains neither of those. It does, however, boast two Tulikivi
The architect at Bensonwood, the nationally acclaimed builder of timber frame
and hybrid high-performance homes, suggested a Tulikivi fireplace as an
alternative to the concrete wall. A visit to Mountain Flame, Tulikivi's Arkville,
New York, distributor, introduced Rob to the beauty of soapstone and the
attractiveness of radiant heat.
"I had never seen anything like it," Rob recalls. "Not just the beauty of soapstone,
but the aesthetics and custom designs of the Tulikivi. We were able add benches
and a cookstove. Plus, there were all the benefits of radiant heating. Now our
Tulikivi fireplace is the centerpiece of our home, with the fireboxes visible from
both the foyer and the great room."
"A Tulikivi fireplace is a powerhouse of heat," explains Marcia Olynich, co-owner
of Mountain Flame. "Soapstone coffers excellent thermal conductivity and high
heat retaining capacity for maximum heating efficiency."
Rob's first Tulikivi influenced his dining area heating decision, too. "We searched
high and low for a gas fireplace, but there was nothing good looking," says
Rob. "To maintain the aesthetics of the house, we chose a second Tulikivi."
As far as his satisfaction with Tulikivi, Rob is enthusiastic after just one heating
season: "They are amazing. It's so easy to start a fire, it practically lights itself.
The Tulikivis heat the entire main portion of the house, and the kids' rooms are
always toasty."
The Tulikivi Group comprises the Tulikivi Corporation, which is a listed family
enterprise, and its subsidiaries. The Tulikivi Group is the world's largest
manufacturer of heat-retaining fireplaces. Tulikivi has three product groups:
Fireplaces, Saunas and Interior & Design. Tulikivi and its customers value
wellbeing, interior design and the benefits of bioenergy. Tulikivi's net sales
are roughly EUR 60 million, of which exports account for about half. Tulikivi
employs over 400 people. For more information about Tulikivi, please visit or follow them on Facebook at
Tulikivi. For the nearest distributor, call 800-843-3473.
Look for Tulikivi on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.
Tags: Architecture, eco-friendly, energy efficient, fireplace, home, home building, homes, radiant heat, remodeling, Tulikivi