"The Quest of Heart" Book Release

An illustrated, allegorical fiction about finding wholeness. By Kristi L. Stout

Local author Kristi L. Stout has written and illustrated a 72-page allegorical fiction titled "The Quest of Heart." She will be available for book signings at The Yellow Book Road bookstore in Point Loma's Liberty Station as part of the monthly Friday Night Liberty art-walk event at 7 p.m. September 6, 2013.

Paperback and electronic copies of "The Quest of Heart" are available for purchase at thequestofheart.com, Amazon (print and Kindle versions) and Google Play Books. Though the book's message is equally applicable to children and adults, it is classified as a young-reader children's book. The book trailer is available for viewing now at YouTube.

"How far would you go to find the other half of your heart?" asks Stout. This question guides the story's theme: an exploration of what it means to become whole as one progresses through life. In a busy age that constantly barrages us with technology and social media, navigating the terrain of one's inner world can be perplexing. Stout transforms a wealth of illuminating metaphorical concepts via colorful imagery and magical characters on a journey through a region called Surrality™.

Halfway between the real and surreal lies a world that bridges what's tangible to what's intangible. The main character in "The Quest of Heart" is Satori, a young girl on a treacherous path to becoming a woman. Along the way Satori searches for the other half of her heart -appearing as a fuzzy pet that perches near Satori's neck, speaking to her like a conscience. Meanwhile, Satori encounters such sinister monsters as Reality (which bites), and finds herself in worlds devoid of color.

"The Quest of Heart is a delicate allegorical journey along the nexus of reality and imagination, passion and stagnation, boundless joy and suffocation, companionship and love. I was taken by both its simplicity and depth. My 13-year-old daughter and I were amazed with the consistency and flow between the events and characters, and the intensely hued illustrations that Kristi creates. Far more layers of meaning to peel back than pages to read!" ~ Customer on Amazon

"The Quest of Heart" is published through The Angel Publishing, LLC, located in San Diego, Calif. They specialize in producing works that touch on self-awareness and soul searching. Their goal is to unleash wisdom literature. The Angel Publishing

Find more from Kristi L. Stout at Facebook, tumblr, and Rebelle Society.

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Tags: Book Launch, Book release, Children, rose, trailer, wholeness

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