The Rise of Sexual Assault Increases Herpes Contracting Cases, Herpes Dating Site MPWH Says

It's sad but some people have contracted herpes through being victims of sexual assault. The popular herpes dating website and community MPWH shares their experienced tips on how to lessen this possibility.
Herpes dating

The thought is horrific, but both men and women have been sexually assaulted and then after the assault also been left with an STD like herpes or chlamydia. Seeing it as part of the way to help their members and the general public stay safer, herpes dating website and community, MPWH made a survey among one hundred of their members including men and women, the survey shows that there are about 80% of them ever experienced rape or sexual violence in different degrees, and of 1.5% said they contracted herpes from sexual assault. And the numbers of sexual assault cases are rising, The Wall Street Journal reports. According to the data, MPWH has released a look at how sexual-assault chances can be reduced, through some prevented behaviors. While no tip or strategy can guarantee sexual-assault does not occur they have been proven to help reduce the chances of such a terrible thing occurring.

“The numbers from places like the CDC can be terrifying with one in three women and one in six men having been victims of sexual violence that involves physical contact at some point in their lives,” the MPWH App Co-founder Michelle Lee commented. “We know our community has a large reach, so our objective by providing these safety-tips is to try to provide some sort of harm prevention. If it helps even a few people avoid this happening to them, it's worth it.”

According to the experts at MPWH the behaviors, strategies, and tips they recommend, to avoid contracting herpes through sexual-assault, while dating include:

Knowing Sexual Boundaries. What a person wants from a sexual encounter is critical as are their personal limits, being clear about what they are and then being assertive about them is a human right. Someone always has the right to say “no” at any point in a sexual encounter.

Communicate Desires as Clearly as Possible. Communication leads to stronger and more fulfilling relationships and can also help the other partner from having some misplaced expectations.

Avoid Being Alone and Isolated. Trying to get away swiftly is wise if someone is trying to lead another off to a secluded location.

Rape can Occur When One of Both People Have Crossed the Line With Drugs and Alcohol. Knowing one's limits in alcohol consumption and following them is wise preventive behavior.

“Date Rape” Drugs Exist and are More Common Than Many Think. The drugs (Rohypnol, GHB) are colorless, tasteless, and have no smell and can be easily slipped into any kind of drink undetected. Never leave a beverage unattended or accept a drink from a stranger or someone not well-known and trusted.

Only go to Large Parties With a Trusted Friend or Friends. Agree to “keep an eye out” for each other. Try the best to leave with this group of friends, rather than alone or with someone just met or not known very well.

Never Fear Making a “Scene” or Creating Problems if the Feeling of Danger or Threat of Sexual-Assault Occurs. These few minutes of awkwardness are far better than the after effects of sexual-assault which can include contracting herpes or another STD.

Nothing is certain, and even the best-prepared person can fall victim to a horrible circumstance. But MPWH sincerely hopes these tips help the community stay safer.

According to the online community, MPWH is designed to ensure the privacy of users, is for people with herpes only, and is backed up by very active forums, that touch on nearly every topic that touches on life with herpes/HSV and related lifestyle issues.

For more information on the herpes dating site and community be sure to visit

Source: MPWH


Tags: dating with herpes, herpes dating, herpes dating apps, herpes singles, meet people with herpes, mpwh, positive singles, sex education, sex protection, sexual assault, sexual violence

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