The Sallie House LIve, A Interactive Online Broadcast Event
Online, March 1, 2012 ( - Watch as they broadcast from one of the most haunted locations in the US, the Sallie House. Many paranormal researchers in the US believe that the home is haunted by malevolent force, while some believe could be demonic in nature. invites it viewers to help unravel the true haunting and any paranormal activity that could possibly reside in this house during this free broadcast. will be broadcasting for approximately 72 hours and will be using various tools and experiments to document any paranormal activity that may occur,which will be available for all the viewers to watch. Some of the experiments that it will conduct in hopes of communicating with the other side are Full Spectrum Spirit Photography, Spirit Box / Ghost Box, Electronic Voice Phenomena ( EVP ), as well as old spiritualist techniques such as the Ouija Board, automatic writing, and possibly even a seance.
What will the team discover during the broadcast? What will you witness? Tune and find out.
livescifi. tv is a live streaming broadcasting company based and headquartered in San Francisco, CA. Founded in May of 2006, has been recognized as the leader in producing and broadcasting live content to millions of viewers worldwide. provides reality based, live-content, which is focused on servicing science fiction enthusiasts with an interactive, live, broadcasting platform.
The technology used in streaming our high definition broadcasts is propriety, and was developed specifically to enhance the interactive viewing experience for our platform. Our technology allows us to seamlessly from any location with any constraints.
Our weekly broadcasted show, "In Search of the Paranormal", was selected in its first month as on the first beta shows. Since then, the show has gained top honors from;, Ustream, and livesstream, and has combined for over 3 million views world wide as it continues to grow in popularity.
Tags: apparitions, EVP, ghosts, Haunted House, paranormal tv, real ghost hunting, watch ghost hunting