The San Diego Solar Experience Launching to Empower Consumers with Latest Industry Information

Learn the facts about solar from industry experts on February 11

Educational solar seminar

​Two leading San Diego-based nonprofit organizations, the Center for Sustainable Energy and the Climate Action Campaign, are partnering with event sponsor Sullivan Solar Power to host the San Diego Solar Experience on Saturday, February 11, 2017.  Three seminars in Carlsbad, Rancho Bernardo and Chula Vista will offer educational information in response to a growing demand for independent and accurate facts about solar power for homeowners.

More than 100,000 solar systems have been installed in the San Diego Gas & Electric territory, making the San Diego region a global leader in the adoption of rooftop solar. Unfortunately, this rapid growth has resulted in some solar companies engaging in high-pressure sales tactics and offering misleading and outdated information about financial incentives that no longer apply to solar power system purchases, according to industry watchdogs.

"The San Diego Solar Experience is an excellent opportunity to learn how rooftop solar can work for you, while supporting community goals, justice and jobs - all part of the American dream."

Nicole Capretz, Executive director of the Climate Action Campaign

Go Solar California, a leading solar power industry advocacy campaign, recently issued a consumer alert. According to the organization, there have been reports of solar companies “throughout California attempting to generate sales through unscrupulous methods.”

To help clear up any misinformation, experts from the Center for Sustainable Energy and the Climate Action Campaign, as well as certified energy practitioners and Sullivan Solar Power’s founder and president Daniel Sullivan, will help interested homeowners overcome any confusion about going solar during the San Diego Solar Experience.

“It's more important than ever to empower families with the freedom of clean energy and clean air. That's why Climate Action Campaign has been inspiring, engaging and educating communities across San Diego with the tools to realize a 100 percent clean energy future,” said Nicole Capretz, executive director of the Climate Action Campaign who was recently recognized by the New York Times as a Californian of the Year. “The San Diego Solar Experience is an excellent opportunity to learn how rooftop solar can work for you, while supporting community goals, justice and jobs - all part of the American dream.”

Attendees of the San Diego Solar Experience will learn about how solar works, battery storage and integration, policy changes, available incentives, financing options, how to choose a solar provider, new solar rules and more. Solar-related manufacturers will be present after each seminar to speak with interested parties.

“For nearly a decade, the Center for Sustainable Energy has offered the successful program called Solar for Homeowners, providing consumers objective information to better inform their buying process,” said Ben Airth, the Center’s senior manager of renewables. “We are dedicated to helping transition our community to a sustainable future powered by clean energy.”

In addition to the seminar presentations, participants are invited to take a self-guided tour to view solar-powered homes and speak directly with homeowners about their experience going solar.

The first seminar kicks off at 10 a.m. at High Tech High in Chula Vista, followed by a 12 p.m. seminar at Rancho Bernardo High School and a 2 p.m. seminar at El Camino Creek Elementary School in Carlsbad. Solar home tours take place throughout the county from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

For times and locations for the tour, or to RSVP for the seminars, visit

Source: Sullivan Solar Power


Tags: energy independence, home improvement, renewable energy, solar, solar energy, solar power, sustainability

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Sullivan Solar Power was founded in 2004 by Daniel Sullivan, a native San Diegan electrician who was inspired to lead a solar energy revolution. Today, Sullivan Solar Power has over 8,500 clients and is 1 of10 NABCEP Accredited companies in the U.S.

Tara Kelly
Tara Kelly
Director of Community Development , Sullivan Solar Power
Sullivan Solar Power
8949 Kenamar Dr. (101)
San Diego, CA 92121
United States