The Short Guide To Becoming A PMP Released By OSP International LLC

Want to become PMP certified? This free study guide takes you through 8 steps to prepare for and pass your PMP exam.

SILVERADO, CA - A free PMP exam study guide is released today, aimed at helping PMP exam candidates prepare for and pass the challenging PMP exam.

The Short Guide to Becoming a PMP: A Guide for Busy Project Managers includes everything you need to know to plan your study for the PMP exam. Written by project management expert Cornelius Fichtner, PMP, this 28-page guide is available to download at

"I've written this guide to help those preparing for the PMP exam," says Fichtner, who also hosts The PM PrepCast™, a video and audio exam prep workshop. "When you first look at all the available information about what you have to do to become PMP certified it's overwhelming. This guide contains all my experience from the last 7 years of being a PMP trainer condensed into a free ebook. It comes complete with tips, tricks and recommendations of how to approach your journey towards becoming a PMP."

The Short Guide to Becoming a PMP covers how to assess your eligibility, how to correctly complete the application process, how to create your own PMP study plan, essential study materials, and exam day hints. "It is a difficult exam and many adults haven't had to study since they were at school," adds Fichtner. "That's why I have also included tips on how to study for the PMP exam as well as advice on using practice tests and sample questions to prepare. The more prepared you are, the less daunting the actual exam will be."

This comprehensive guide covers the 8 steps that will help any PMP candidate prepare effectively for becoming a PMP. It also includes real-life anecdotes and plenty of further resources to ensure that project managers have everything they need for PMP exam success - although unfortunately it won't make studying any easier!

The guide is available free under an innovative 'share to get' scheme. Readers are asked to post a short message on their Twitter or Facebook account in exchange for downloading The Short Guide to Becoming a PMP. "There's no sign up form, no email opt-in and no subscription necessary," explains Fichtner. "We believe this is the first time that anyone has offered this sort of valuable PMP study guide on this basis."

About OSP International LLC

OSP International LLC is a project management training company headquartered in Silverado, California, specializing in exceptional products to help candidates prepare for the PMP exam. OSP International LLC has been reviewed and approved as a provider of project management training by the Project Management Institute (PMI). As a PMI Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.), the company has agreed to abide by PMI established quality assurance criteria.

As well as The PM PrepCast™, OSP International LLC also produces the PM Exam Simulator™, The Project Management Podcast™, and The PDU Podcast™.


Tags: PMP, PMP Exam, PMP Exam Guide

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Gwenn Doria
Press Contact, OSP International LLC
OSP International LLC
PO Box 863
Silverado, CA 92676
United States