The Smart Phone Cam

The tiny camera of the Smartphone Cam - offering still-image and video, as well as LED illumination.

The Smart Phone Cam is a remote inspection tool that works with a smartphone. This invention is a flexible camera and LED light, incorporated into the distal end of a flexible, rubber-sheathed cable, and designed to work with a smartphone application enabling the user to take still or video images, and operate the LED light, when the proximal end of the Cam cable is plugged into a smartphone's mini-USB port. Convenient and versatile, the basic design of the Smart Phone Cam has been developed already for use with a laptop computer, so that the technology should be easily transferable to a smartphone platform. Televised test marketing has been completed indicating strong consumer interest in the Smart Phone Cam.

The Patent Pending Smart Phone Cam was invented by Dennis Bloecher of Redondo Beach, CA , who said, "The Smart Phone Cam plugs into a smartphone's mini-USB port with a 32-pin mini-USB plug or lightening iPhone connector. The port provides data communications between the smartphone, the operating application software included with the Smartphone Cam, and the camera. The camera's operations include both still image and video-image capture, and an LED light that can be used by itself, or as a lighting accessory for the camera. The "body" of the camera consists of a flexible, shape-holding, rubber-coated cable between one and three feet in length, while the terminus of the flexible cable is the camera itself."

EDITOR'S NOTE: Development of this product is being handled by Invents Company. For more information about licensing or sale, contact the Licensing Department at Invents Company, 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107 New York, NY 10123. Telephone: 212-620-2629



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Jeanne Nelson
Press Contact, Invents Company, LLC
Invents Company, LLC
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