The Super Smart Stroller
Online, April 30, 2014 ( - Strolling a child can bring such pleasure, not only to the child, but also to the person doing the strolling. Being in the fresh air, enjoying nature and the sights, and getting a little exercise-all are so fulfilling until one reaches a hill or steep downslope. Then it is not so pleasurable. The Smart Stroller can help with those hills and downslopes. It is a stroller that collects sensory information from the surrounding environment and activates a small motor to help push a stroller uphill or to slow it down going downhill.
The Smart Stroller has a small sensor which monitors the weight of the stroller (seat and pouch and child or infant) and the incline. When going uphill, the sensor activates a small, soundless, electric motor that helps push the back wheels forward for the rest of the climb. The same holds true for declines. Instantaneous calculations are made and an eased brake slows the wheels. Also,the person pushing the stroller can set a level of assistance for themselves. A simple 1-5 level-of-difficulty dial setting on the handle bars makes manual control very simple. Televised test marketing has been completed indicating exceptional consumer interest in the Smart Stroller.
The Patent Pending Smart Stroller was invented by Lawrence and Soratiya DeMarco of Clinton, NJ, who said, "For safety, a dead man protocol automatically shuts off the motor in the event that the caregiver's hands leave the handlebars. An attached wristband is connected to the person pushing the stroller and if the cord is pulled away from the stroller and as backup safety, a sensor within the stroller handle will detect when persons' hands leave the contact area; this engages an internal brake that stops the wheels from turning."
EDITOR'S NOTE: Development of this product is being handled by Invents Company. For more information about licensing or sale, contact the Licensing Department at Invents Company, 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107 New York, NY 10123. Tel: 212-620-2629
INVENTS Company — 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107 — New York, NY 10123
Tags: baby stroller, caregivers, Juvenile Products, Pareting