"The Thermometer" Gauges 'Subjects That Matter' To Wall Street's Smart Money

HEDGEAnswers Quarterly Survey of Global Hedge Fund Managers just released.

HEDGEAnswers, a leader in hedge fund information and educational services today announced the results of their third annual HEDGEAnswers: The Thermometer, a quarterly survey that measures the sentiment of hedge fund managers worldwide about issues that impact their investment decisions. The survey will provide insight into how managers are investing now and expect to in the coming months based on such issues as the economy, market sectors, and Washington.

HEDGEAnswers: The Thermometer takes the temperature of Wall Street's 'smart money' by directly asking hedge fund managers worldwide about global economies, the US dollar, sectors and sentiments on Congress, the SEC, President Obama and more. The results provide insight to institutional and individual investors to help make well-rounded investment decisions. The information is a new addition to the existing tools provided by HEDGEAnswers to help investors make more informed decisions in the current, rapidly-changing market environment.

"Information is the key to making good investment decisions," commented Bianca Razzano, co-founder of HEDGEAnswers. "Understanding what hedge fund managers are thinking about various market sectors, economies of the world and the political situation, provides institutional and individual investors with data to make better decisions," continued Razzano. "The HEDGEAnswers: Thermometer asks managers what they are thinking about subjects that matter and about issues that are important to investors of all shapes and sizes."

The HEDGEAnswers: The Thermometer Fourth Quarter 2011 Survey provides significant insight into present and future news events such as the long-term existence of the Euro, the US economy, the upcoming US election and the sentiment of many Central Bankers around the world that global economies are beginning to rebound.

Sample statistics from HEDGEAnswers: The Thermometer Q4 2011 include:

Economy Temperatures:
• 100% of the managers are Lukewarm on The United States Economy
• 75% of the managers are Cold on the Europe
• 25% of the managers are Hot on Asia
• 50% of the managers are Hot on Latin America

Sectors Temperatures:
• 50% are Lukewarm on Defense
• 75% are Lukewarm on Financials
• 50% are Hot on Hard Material
• 25% are Cold on Retail
• 75% are Lukewarm on Food & Beverage

• 0% are Hot for the US President
• 75% are Cold on Speaker of the House
• 100% are Cold on Congress (no change in three years)
• 75% are Lukewarm on Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernake
• 75% are Lukewarm on the Securities and Exchange Commission

Looking ahead HEDGEAnswers: The Thermometer Second Quarter 2012 survey begins taking manager's temperatures on May 1, 2012. Results will be published on or about June 1 and early insights will be shared during the HEDGEAnswers Launch Session on May 16, 2012.

HEDGEAnswers: The Thermometer - Methodology
Over 100 global hedge fund managers are asked to fill out an anonymous ten-question survey between the first and second week of the month. All data is collected by the 15th of month and processed during the last two weeks of the month. The seven of the ten questions are constant - three are changed on a quarterly basis.

About HEDGEAnswers: The Thermometer is part of the HEDGEAnswers educational series which includes: The Conference Calls, The Blog!, The Community and the NEW interactive expert service: Get Answers Now! Started by hedge fund industry commentator and author Daniel Strachman and content expert and industry strategist Bianca Razzano, HEDGEAnswers is a one-of-a-kind, one-stop information platform for individuals and institutions to learn about hedge funds and how to better understand these unique investment vehicles.

To learn more about HEDEGAnswers and view all the results of the 2011 Thermometer, please visit The Community at hedgeanswers.com .


Tags: hedge funds, investment, research, survey

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