The Tikü Offers Hope to Infants Who Need a Fighting Chance for Life

Smart Crowdfunding is slated to carry out strategic marketing initiatives for the Designs for the World Tikü project on Indiegogo. The Tikü team is crowdfunding to create a life-saving incubator for the world's most vulnerable infants.

Designs for the World LLC has launched a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo in order to bring hope to the people who need it the most. This campaign has a funding goal of $250,000, which needs to be raised by January 10th in order to create the company’s Tikü incubator that, which will give vulnerable infants in under-developed nations a fighting chance at survival. The creator states, “Virtually every family has been touched by the birth of a premature or at-risk baby who has struggled for life from the moment of entry into the world. Fortunately, most of us have been blessed by having access to proper medical care that has enabled us to start our lives and later to have families of our own.” However, premature or at-risk infants born to parents in less- developed nations rarely survive due to the lack of necessary neonatal skills and equipment. Designs for the World is hoping to change this grim reality with their incubator.

In third the developing world, and underdeveloped nations the infant mortality rate is extremely high. 1.8 million premature and at-risk infants die from hypothermia every year. It is a sad reality of living in an underdeveloped nation, but one that the Tikü can change. The Tikü is portable, easy- to -use, virtually maintenance-free, and requires no electricity. This innovative incubator costs a fraction of the cost for a standardof a conventional incubator, and is crucial to in keeping premature and at-risk infants warm and isolated from diseases, contagions, insects, and anything else that could harm their highly vulnerable little systems. Many of us who are lucky enough to live in developed and advanced industrial nations take our technology for granted. When a premature infant is born to a parents in ana “wealthier” industrial nation, chances for survival are often higher because of availability of proper neonatal care. However, the parents of an an infant born in the less-fortunate areas of the world must often accept their newborn’’s s death as a given because they do not have access to the technology needed to save their babyem.

"If an infant is given a chance to live life, history tells us that wonderful things can be accomplished."

Marc Nadeau, Founder and CEO of Tikü

The Designs for the World team has been very hard at work with the Tikü incubator development. They are now ready to make this concept a reality , and start saving lives, which is why they are reaching out for crowd support via their crowdfunding campaign. All funds raised will be used for the fabrication of several incubators, testing by biomedical technologists at St. Petersburg College, and the approval of manufacturing and quality by the FDA and the ISO. Once all of these steps have been completed, the incubators will then be “demonstrated to caregivers in Haiti and gifted to local humanitarian agencies” after which the team hopes to respond to the “interest in procuring the incubators by governmental, humanitarian, and religious organizations”. Funders of this campaign can know they are truly supporting a great causes, because not only will supporters be helping to fight the infant mortality rate, but 7% of all contributions will be donated to the Children’s Dream Fund. This means that all supporters will actually be contributing to two amazing causes. The campaign team is also offering a very special perk to their supporters called  “Remember Your Little One” which gives a supporter the chance to leave a meager $2 donation in the name of special child in their life. Full details can be found on their campaign page.

About Designs for the World LLC:

Designs for the World was founded by CEO Marc Nadeau. The team creates and manufactures humanitarian and medical products for people in developing nations, disaster areas, and in war-torn zones.  The team uses their experience in engineering, biology, and project management to bring life-saving innovations to the 5.8 billion people who do not live in industrialized nations.  Their newest creation is the Tikü Incubator.

 To learn more about the Tikü crowdfunding project Click Here

For more information about the Designs for the World LLC Click Here

To contact via email write to Marc Nadeau at:


Tags: babies, christmas miracle, crowdfunding campaign, incubator, infant, neonatal care, save a life

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