The University of Alternative Studies - Innovative Degrees in Psychical Studies

Today, the University of Alternative Studies is launching its first Bachelors of Science Degree Program in Telepathic Studies.

The University of Alternative Studies (UAS) was founded in 2009 with the intention of offering students with a passion for Parapsychology and psychical phenomena comprehensive, professional course syllabuses. Today, UAS is re-launching with its first Bachelors of Science Degree Program in Telepathic Studies. Many more programs of this type are to be launched through UAS throughout 2011-2012. These Bachelors Degree Programs are based on straightforward, honest explanations of psychical phenomena through new research initiatives in parapsychology, psychology, neuroscience, quantum mechanics, and related subjects.

Whether the prospective student is an intelligent layperson or professional curious about psychical phenomena, or looking to discover how to utilize psychical phenomena, their degree programs will provide a detailed framework, without complicated equations, onto which more advanced concepts can be applied. Degree programs will be a revelation of what actions and influences experients are involved in and exactly how one can take their psychical ability to a completely new level step-by-step.

The Telepathic Studies degree program involves the newly released textbook on telepathy titled "Telepathy: A Quantum Approach," which has already been digitally released to major bookstores, and will be released as a paperback this week.

From the UAS Website: "Our Telepathic Studies Degree Program involves the analysis of mental forms and processes including the nervous system that processes and transmits information by electrochemical signaling. Telepathology is an alternative psychology profession. Through the utilization of natural telepathic skillfulness, a Telepathologist can improve the intensity and precision of their performance for various practical alternative therapies, and experimental applications in conjunction with their unique suggestive form of super-normal communication. This is achievable via comparative scientific knowledge and the comprehension of the biological basis of consciousness and the mental processes by which we perceive, act, learn, and remember."

Graduates of the University utilize their chosen alternative and professional specializations to become writers, consultants, educators and researchers. Courses are structured for mature students who have the aptitude to work autonomously and assimilate their knowledge into creative and professional skills. The mission of the University of Alternative Studies is to advance knowledge and to educate students in alternative studies via scientific research orientated toward the 21st century, with programs designed for the online environment with an emphasis on the student community.

UAS combines the concept of academic study with an intellectually supportive and intellectually stimulating student clientele. The opening of the University of Alternative Studies in 2009 represented the culmination of many years of effort and organization by Dr. Theresa M. Kelly, a distinguished metaphysicist and psychical researcher. Theresa is currently realizing a long-term ambition to offer independent, alternative and affordable educational programs at a time when conventional educational options are now not always sufficient at realizing the needs of students.

Dr. Theresa M. Kelly has an honorary doctorate in Metaphysics and is an experienced author and educator. Theresa is engaged in past and current research on the subject of psychical phenomena and approaches parapsychology from a scientific, alternative, philosophical perspective. She is also a parapsychological/ psychical consultant and an internationally recognized scholar in psychical phenomena. Having been engaged in psychical research for over ten years, she offers educational programs via her University platform, utilizing scientific and alternative, practical applications of psi. Methodologically, her emphasis is on the importance of the investigative mode of the established sciences to inquire into the authenticity of and ultimately, to explain the nature of psychical phenomena. Theresa has through her conscientious research, introduced many innovative experimental approaches into the parapsychological domain.

In 2011, the University of Alternative Studies is launching a range of Bachelors degree programs in both Psychical and Psychokinetic Studies. Psychical degree courses available include Clairvoyant Studies, Precognitive Studies and Empathic Studies, whilst Psychokinetic syllabuses offered encompass stimulating and challenging conceptual areas such as Autokinetic Studies, Biokinetic Studies and Cryokinetic Studies. The courses integrate psychological principles with quantum and statistical physics, although the emphasis is very much a tangible body- mind and spirit approach. Empathic studies for example can be defined as, "the alternative scientific study of the psychical influence of emotion".

The Bachelors of Science Degree Programs at UAS are designed for experients of psychical phenomena, as continuing education for parapsychologists, and is structured into learning segments with the course syllabus appraising models of psi, models of the experiential phase of psi, extrasensory perception (ESP) and/or psychokinetic (PK), psychological and physiological profiling, colorization profiling, meditation, with a concluding section on psychical ethics. All degree courses are therefore thorough, offering a professional grounding in the subject studied for further research purposes and are designed both for students with either little previous knowledge or some prior relevant education.

For more information on the new 2011 University of Alternative Studies Degree Program in Telepathic Studies please visit the UAS website. Included on-page is a detailed curriculum overview and information regarding the experimental and therapeutic applications of Telepathic Studies. All study materials are included on enrollment and the estimated program completion time is a little under one year, see: -

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Theresa M. Kelly MsD. Biography: -


Tags: degree, neuroscience, parapsychology, psychic, psychical, Psychology, quantum mechanics, telepathic, telepathy, university

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Theresa M. Kelly, MsD.
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4781 Apt Boulevard
Charleston, SC
United States