The Upside of Up-Cycling: Making Earth Day Everyday

Rebound Furniture is a home decor store that bases its practices on the Art of Up-Cycling . Their design consultancy team is happy to help and show you how to reinvent, redesign, rethink and reuse previously loved decor and modernize it to work today

Rebound Furniture in Woodland HIlls is a home decor store that bases its practices on the Art of Up-Cycling . Their design consultancy team is happy to help and show you how to reinvent, redesign, rethink and reuse previously loved decor and modernize it to work with today's interiors.

Instead of throwing away that beautifully crafted chair your Aunt gave you, why not update it? Not only are you making an environmentally conscious decision, but you're creating a piece with a story that's entirely your own. Rebound has a wide range of fabric choices and to match whatever color scheme you've decided for your home. Want to refinish the frame black, to give your chair an updated Hollywood Regency look? Not a problem. You can even change out the legs of certain pieces to give it a "swivel." Rebound also carries down and hypoallergenic "down-like" inserts cut specifically to match your seat cushion.

"We all know how incredibly well furniture was made mid century and before. It's part of what makes vintage and antique pieces so valuable," said Karyn Miller Rebound's Marketing Director. "Why not reuse that solid and incredibly crafted Wingback chair, but give it a rebirth. Change out the old foam or horse hair, paint the wood white and reupholster it in some very cool and bright Ikat fabric. Not only do you now have a "One of a Kind" piece that is all you, but a well made piece of furniture sure to last years longer than the new pieces made in China for a fraction of the cost."

Rebound is constantly on the look out for "new" (to us) original decor primarily found through consignees, auctions, charity shops and estate sales.

"Every piece has a story to tell. At Rebound, we learn so much about the lives people led based upon their furniture, artwork and home decor. You can feel the love between two people, as well as the witty banter they shared.It's awesome to bring that energy into your home," said Karyn.

Not only does Rebound transform furniture by Up-Cycling, they carry furniture deserving of a second life through their consignment program and estate sales. Offering choices from various spectrums allows Rebound to keep costs down for buyers. For example, the sofa's range from $100-$2K so their is something in everyone's budget. To up-cycle a basic dining chair (reupholster and change out the seat foam), the cost is about $35/per chair + the cost of fabric (which starts at $7/yard). So for about $275 you can revamp a set of 6 outdated dining chairs into a set of 6 eclectic chairs exactly the way you want them.

To celebrate Earth Day, Rebound is offering 15% off their furnishings the rest of April.


Tags: design, earth day, furniture, green, home decor, recycle, reupholster, Reuse, shopping, up-cycle

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Karyn Miller
Press Contact, Rebound Furniture
Rebound Furniture
21723 Vanowen St
Canoga Park, CA 91303
United States