Dr. Steven Fox, Dentist to the Stars Works Closely With His State of the Art Veneer Ceramists

Dr. Fox designs veneers with patient input and ceramist expertise to create a Hollywood smile.

Dr. Steven Fox, who has been referred to as “the father of dentistry in the 21st century,” is utilizing master ceramists for veneer case design. Patient input, master ceramists and 42 years of experience lead to age-defying result.

About Dr. Steven Fox:
Widely viewed as an icon in the dental profession and credited for revolutionizing oral care on a global basis, Dr. Fox has collaborated with the U.S. government and the American Dental Association to develop and commercialize many of the products used in oral care today. He is the only doctor in New York City who taught cosmetic dentistry and served on the faculties of the Harvard School of Dental Medicine and The NYU School of Dentistry, and as an officer of Harvard University and on a tech board at The University of Pennsylvania. The author of the book "Dentistry in the 21st Century" and an accomplished business entrepreneur, Dr. Fox has frequently appeared on national and international television programming such as CNBC, Fox News and CNN, and has been featured in hundreds of newspapers and magazines, including The Wall Street Journal and Forbes Magazine.

As founder, CEO and chairman of Enamelon Inc., he helped to pioneer the first technology to re-mineralize tooth structure, spearheaded its creation as an over-the-counter product and took the company public on a national stock exchange, raising $70 million over an eight-year period. Recognized for his groundbreaking work in advancing oral care, Dr. Fox is the recipient of the United States Senate Medal of Freedom and the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award, in addition to owning and operating New York City’s premier cosmetic dentistry practice.

Source: Dr. Steven Fox


Tags: cosmetic dentistry, dental, Dr. Steven Fox, oral care, veneers