The Virtual Revolution Is Here

Telecommuting Your Business Your Employees and Your Interns Increase Profit

Although technology has made huge strides, many have not taken full advantage of what it has to offer. Super Interns wants to change that. The Dynamic Duo of Super Interns, Super Julie Braun and Super Michelle Demers, have created a business that thrives purely in a virtual environment. By utilizing software such as Skype for weekly meetings and Basecamp to communicate throughout the company, these super sheroes make internships easier for both the interns and employers.

"What we see in the workforce is employees arriving to an office and sitting in front of their computer all day. Why not save the time, energy, and effort of commuting and work remotely from home", said Super Julie Braun co-founder and 1/2 the Dynamic Duo of Super Interns "It's much more effective and efficient, and the cost savings are huge to both companies, employees, and interns."

Studies by Katie Lister, in "Telecommuting Benefits: The Bottom Line", show that working virtually benefits businesses, interns, and even the environment. Due to the lack of outside distractions, interns who work virtually are often more productive, thus, saving the company money. Companies will find the need of a location is diminishing, therefore saving employers money on real-estate costs and saving interns money and time on commuting. The studies in this piece show that most collisions occur in route to or from work, thusly not only do companies save money but working remotely saves lives. Lister also discusses the benefits telecommuting has on the environment. With more people working virtually, there is less pollution and impact on the environment.

The Dynamic Duo of Super Interns (, and, Super Julie Braun and Super Michelle Demers, have worked with well over 3000 virtual interns all across the country for a variety of businesses and non-profit organizations. They are the thought leaders in the field of virtual internships and are able to train both employers and interns on working effectively in a virtual environment.


If you would like more information or to schedule an interview, please email Morgan Masse at [email protected] or call at 425-736-1332.


Tags: Business, remote, Super Interns, telecommuting, virtual internship

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Morgan Shulski
Press Contact, Super Interns