The Wall Street Journal on CoveringsETC, Small Firms See Big Potential in Going Green

A Wall Street Journal article on CoveringsETC 'Small Firms See Big Potential in Going Green'. A look back at the USGBC launch of LEED in 2000 with a fast forward to the current Version 4, and the recent addition of WELL Building Standard.

Can we ever remember a time when sustainable concepts were not a part of building design? 

The USGBC launched LEED in 2000 and we are now at Version 4, along with the recent addition of WELL Building Standard.  In that same year CoveringsETC started to produce a new product range Eco-Terr the first ECOverings product of up-cycling for Future Friendly materials.  The product range has expanded to 5 Bio and Eco materials, all of which can contribute credits for LEED and WELL.  These are exciting progressions as it means that public sway has created a surge in the evolution of Green Living.

It’s been an amazing journey over the last 18 years and CoveringsETC is as passionate as ever!  Looking back through press material we found this Wall Street Journal article that brought back memories of when Sustainability, let alone Environmentally Sustainable Design, was not the cutting edge cool kid on the block that it is now. 

The success of CoveringsETC is the success of a movement and one that we have been very proud to be a part.  Future Friendly is our mission of ensuring the products being used now are both recycled and recyclable so in the future the product may be used again for another purpose.  The full life cycle loop continues and does no damage to our planet.  Future Friendly…..enough said.   

Compliments of The WSJ,

ECOverings Products:  Eco-Terr, Eco-Cem, Eco-Gres, Bio-Glass, Bio-Luminum

Each product has a story to tell.  Visit our website to learn more.


Source: CoveringsETC


Tags: coveringsetc, eco-friendly, Ecoverings, sustainability, USGBC, WallStreetJournal

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COVERINGSETC was founded by designer and real estate visionary Ofer Mizrahi in 1998 as an innovative source for natural, recyclable and sustainable material concepts for floors, walls, counter tops, facades, terraces and other decorative surfaces.

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Miami , FL 33138
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