The World's First Laptop Bag "System"
Online, April 5, 2011 ( - While there are countless laptop bag types and styles, the Carmazzi 1bag claims to be a completely different concept than anything currently available in the market.The 1bag promises to be the "one bag" a user would need regardless of their situation. It is designed by the user on the go and then changed to suit a user's productivity, travel or even fashion needs within minutes.
According to the original architect of the bag, Arthur Carmazzi, "It will change the way people use their laptop bags, the bag itself is a productivity tool for diverse situations" How does Carmazzi know this? Besides his part time inventor status, he is also recognized as one of the world's Top Ten Leadership Gurus and a very frequent traveller. Carmazzi has designed this bag in consideration of the inadequacies of various laptop and other travel bags. But it's not just about travel exclaims Carmazzi, it's about productivity and the right bag for the right time... and of course looking good in the process.
Why will people want this laptop bag? According to Carmazzi each user has different requirements and tastes at different times for different situations, i.e. On the plane, at the a beach, at Starbucks, at work, and going to a presentation. Fashion tastes may also change with those situations... The 1bag comes with a base set and the user can get specific accessories to cater to their life and work style. These accessories can be put on or off when needed.
Accessories cater to practicality, productivity and gadgets... Special pockets for International Communication and Data Connection Access, Vanity pockets, iPod, iPhone, and iPad pockets, Passport and Boarding Pass pockets, Data Storage pockets, Camera and Lens pockets, and of course the standard charger pocket to name a few. Additionally the bag can become various types of backpacks and/or carryon/overnight bags...
Carmazzi has set up a website: where users can give suggestions and comments for the functionality of this first model, they are also giving a few bags away to those who want to stay informed on progress. The facebook page at: also gave away free products and accessories to people who have provided vital suggestions before its initial release. The concept video has been released on the website on March 6th and pictures of the actual bag on March 15th. The first 100 1bags has been sold out earlier to selected individuals last March 21st. These first buyers will be providing feedback after using the 1bag in various conditions; they will also be given Free Upgrades for One Year for their participation in rigorously testing the quality, practicality and durability of the 1bag. Only individuals registered at: will have the opportunity to purchase this bag or be eligible to win any of the free bags and accessories.
Because of the quality control and international distribution requirements, the second generation limited edition model is limited to only 1000 units and will be delivered on May 30th to those who had the opportunity to pre-order it, these will also have a few extra bonuses included.
The standard bag system will hit the local markets in July 21st available in airport technology stores, travel stores, and computer chain stores throughout the US, Asia and Europe.
Contact Leonie Agustina at: [email protected]
Phone: +62 815 570 1911
Additional information at: www.carmazzi1bag/press
Tags: bags, laptop bags, travel bags