Therapeutic Music Training To Begin
Online, June 29, 2010 (
Training musicians in the skills needed to professionally bring the gifts of beauty and healing into healthcare institutions with live, therapeutic, bedside music is the mission of the Music for Healing and Transition Program, Inc. (MHTP), a 501c3 not-for-profit educational organization.
MHTP offers classes at 12 sites in the US, and announces its classes beginning California with Module 1 being offered August 28-29 at the Voice Loft in Emeryville, CA.
MHTP Graduates are Certified Music Practitioners (CMP) who serve the critically ill, the chronically ill, the elderly, the dying, premature infants, surgical patients, birthing mothers, and the injured by creating a healing environment with live, prescriptive music.
Students complete courses in five week-end Modules on musical and medical topics spread out over a year, and are guided through the course of study by an advisor. Other requirements include a 45 hour internship, and a required reading list. Students may receive tuition reductions based on medical or musical life experience, and there are scholarship funds available for students when enrolled in the Program. MHTP accepts music students as well as amateur and professional musicians.
Each Module teacher is a specialist in their field, whether it be as a healthcare professional or professional musician. In addition, each teacher is a working CMPs with extensive experience in healthcare facilities.
For more information or to inquire about registering, call 518-325-5546, or email [email protected] See to download an application and more information as well.
Tags: alternative medicine, music thearpy, paliative care, Sound-Healing, therapeutic music