There Is A Considerable Amount You Can Learn From Salespeople and Split Testing

Two relevant articles/sites that can help you boost your online business. Learning Advertising from the Greatest Salesmen and A copious collection of split tests.

Hey there,

Have you ever been approached by one of those guys form a sales kiosk? they're amazing sales people, and you really have a lot to learn from them. If you want to make good copy, learn good salesmanship.

Check the rest of the posts here.

Learning Advertising from the Greatest Salesmen

This is the story of how I met one of the best salesmen.

Copywriter, Hopkins wrote continuously, "Advertising is salesmanship in print." Some of the best ways to become a fantastic advertiser is to study expert salesmanship.

My girlfriend told me about a group of people at her mall that she dreads walking by. They've persuaded her to buy, one of her relatives, and one of our friends. The grand total these salesmen made off of just these three people had been over $300.00. If these people make eye contact with you, they've essentially already closed the sale. These salesmen run Dead Sea Premier kiosks. These kiosks carry skincare and grooming supplies.

Because I wanted to learn how these guys closed sales so well, I asked my girlfriend to take me to one of their booths. She was reluctant. She warned me how good they were, but I was so curious that I decided I'll take on the risk. I truly doubted any salesman was that good.

To read the rest Click Here .


As any internet marketer knows, one of the most important parts in your business is testing, and as you probably know it is a cumbersome ant long process. I found this neat little page that has a bunch of split tests, and some of the results are counterintuitive, you should really give it a look, and check the link to the tests they've driven.

here is a bit from one of their tests.


Actual Test Results:

Version A, which used fewer product images, boosted total purchases made from the page by 13%.

Tafford Uniforms, a leading seller of medical scrubs online, used Monetate's testing platform to A/B test the promotions on its category page for printed scrubs. The test ran for one week and achieved a 95% confidence level.

The only difference between the otherwise identical pages was the design of the promotional boxes. Version A used big copy on a plaid or animal print background for the boxes on the right side. Version B used similar copy, but featured product shots of the plaid or animal-print scrubs in those boxes.

If you want to make sense of this, see the results along with the actual layouts used are following this link.


Hope the tid tats of today were of use to you, thanks for reading.
More Cool stuff here

Brian Richards signing off.


Tags: advertising, copywriting, internet advertising, marketing, sales, split testing, web page optimiziation

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