Things You Need To Know about Hybrids Before You Buy
Online, September 21, 2009 ( - Have you been shocked by the high price of gasoline when you pump your car? Have you ever thought about purchasing a hybrid? I live in Colorado and I had my first car back in 2002. The gas (#85) price was about $1.30 and $20 maximum to pump the car. Today, it costs double. Back in 2008, gasoline has hit record levels. In 2009, even though the price came down to $2.50 per gallon, consumers are still worried that the price may go back up again. Furthermore, public awareness of environmental issues is raised, so the auto industry has the technology to address these concerns.
Frankly, people purchase hybrid cars for the concerns of environment and fuel economy. Most popular auto manufactures produce hybrid cars based on different needs and concerns from their consumers. How does a hybrid car run 20 to 30 more miles per gallon? Why does a hybrid car good for the environment? Hopefully, the following answers can help you know a little bit more about hybrids if you are looking for a hybrid car or considering have one in the near future.
Gasoline-electric cars leverage both gas and electric power. Currently, most hybrid vehicles running on the road are gasoline - electric powered that combine gas and electricity into one system. Normally, gas-powered cars are more powerful than electric ones, but they produce a large amount of pollution and low gas mileage. However, hybrid vehicles have a compromise. They are easier on the environment, but need to be recharged for every 50 - 100 miles depending on the brands and models.
Hybrid cars have smaller engines that make the cars more efficient on gas. Why is that? Because of the weigh, heavier engines and other internal components take more efforts to drive up to the hill or accelerate. Furthermore, bigger engines usually require more cylinders and each cylinder needs fuel to operate.
Cars are one of the biggest causes of global warming and the Supreme Court of the United States have ruled that cars should be regulated by adherence to the Clean Air Act. Engines that are used by hybrid vehicles are run by internal combustion by fuels and electric batteries. By using batteries, hybrids take less fuel and create less smog. Based on the studies, hybrid
vehicles reduce air pollution 90% than gas-powered cars.
Because of smaller engines, lighter components and advanced auto technology, hybrid cars achieve better fuel economy, less impact to the environment and lower emissions than conventional vehicles. Some state and local governments also provide incentives for hybrid owners in the form of federal income tax credit.
This article originally posted at Exchange For Green

As a green innovator and entrepreneur, Nan Gabriel founded Exchange For Green in 2009. The ultimate goal for Exchange For Green is to help families and individuals archive their "Green" goals by reducing living expenses and waste, sharing green experience and keeping things out of landfills.
Tags: gas-powered cars, high, hybrid cars, hybrid cars based, hybrid vehicles, price, produce hybrid cars, purchase hybrid cars