Third Day Resources Announces Availability of a Safe Effective Herbal Formula Called Combetic for Diabetics

Third Day Resources distributes Combetic with personal mentoring to ensure a safe means of lowering and controlling blood sugar levels. Combetic offers a replacement for conventional medicine.

Conventional medicine is not enough to combat the world-wide diabetes epidemic. According to the International Diabetes Federation, diabetes currently affects 194 million people worldwide with a prediction of 333 million by 2025. This equates to a new diabetic being diagnosed every 40 seconds.

According to the American Diabetes Association, 41 million people in the U.S., ages 40 to 74 have pre-diabetes. This is a condition where blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. Rescent research has shown that some long-term damage to the body, especially the heart and circulatory system, may already be occurring during pre-diabetes.

Presently, Chinese hospitals are prescribing a herbal formula called Combetic for their diabetic patients because of its long term 600 year history of safe effectiveness. The popularity of Combetic is increasing as patients request a natural herbal alternative rather than conventional diabetic drugs.

We believe Combetic has the right combination of herbs to control blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. The essence of the herbs in Combetic is extracted by modern bioscience technology. It is completely herbal and contains no pharmaceutical drugs. There are no known drug interactions with Combetic. According to Dr. Joseph Khoo from Singapore, Chief Medical Consultant of Third Day Resources, "Combetic is a replacement and not supplementary therapy."

To read testimonials and to get started on Combetic, the diabetic visits the website: and fills out a secure health history form. The diabetic is contacted by our professional staff for free consultation. The website also has many sources of diabetic information and plans of many more natural herbal alternatives for health conditions.

According to Robin Roberts, President of Third Day Resources, "We are offering a safe proven herbal formula with professional consultation to offer hope for a way out of the devastating afflictions of the body, mind and soul that diabetes causes."



Tags: alternative medicine, diabetic supplement, lower blood sugar

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Robin Roberts
Press Contact, Third Day Resources
Third Day Resources
512 McGinley Street
Maryville, TN 37804
United States