This Fall Stars Are Showering Down On Istanbul For UNICEF

'Stars of Istanbul' is the biggest multi-purpose outdoor arts event to be held in Istanbul for the benefit of UNICEF Turkey. The project aims to draw attention to the 'A brighter future for children' movement and will bring together the inter

Stars of Istanbul Can Be Seen With Naked Eyes Throughout Autumn 2011

'Stars of Istanbul' is the biggest multi-purpose outdoor arts event to be held in Istanbul for the benefit of UNICEF Turkey. The project aims to draw attention to the 'A brighter future for children' movement and will bring together the international business world and creative industry. 'Stars of Istanbul' is to last three months between September 1 and November 30, 2011.

This autumn, for the first time in world history, stars will be visible out in the broad day light. The three dimensional graphic and artistic renderings, inspired by the culture and the history of the city dating back thousands of years, will be displayed on top of giant star-shaped sculptures. These star sculptures will not only bring joy and colour to Istanbul but also will brighten the future of many children.

Stars of Istanbul - the first-of-a-kind large scale street art display - aims to set a good example of how art can be a part of our everyday street life in a way that is exciting and entertaining. Adorning Istanbul's most fashionable corners with hundreds of stars, the project will create the setting whereby the art and artists meet millions of people on the streets - thanks to the contributions from many socially responsible national and international organizations.

Aziz Sarıyer - a respected member of the global design community- is the name behind the design of the five sided star sculptures which will be used as canvases by the participating artists and businesses. "Throughout the ages the shiny objects high up in the heavens have represented success and fortune for humanity. I have designed the star form for all the children in the world" Sarıyer explains.

Both Turkish and international companies, artists and individuals who want to take part in the exhibition will adopt as many stars as they would like for a term of 3 month by providing financial and moral support. Eventually by showcasing their artifacts on the popular streets of the ancient Istanbul town, participants will light a star for 90.000 children, brightening their future.

"The world is not fair. There is not enough nutrition, water and vaccines. The cute, fairy-like stars shining in the streets will help children access education; the expenses will be met by companies," said Turkish UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and well-known author Ayse Kulin.

Following the street exhibition, the colourful star statues will be gathered in an exhibition hall. Subsequently, an auction will be held in December by Sotheby's; the income generated will go to meet the demands of needy children for UNICEF Turkey.

If you want more information about Stars of Istanbul, or to schedule an interview with Zeynep Helvacı, please call Rana Babac at +46 700 530863 or email at [email protected].


Tags: art, Exhibition, Istanbul, Stars of Istanbul, UNICEF

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