This Jewish Comedian Duo Uses Humor to Expose and Satirize Today's Inclination Towards Mob Mentality

​​​With the closing of all public places, the nation is starved for more fresh, relatable online content. L.A.-based comedians Megan Nager and Jordana Lilly have everyone covered. Their up-and-coming, Jewish comedy-rap duo, B**** Mitzvah, released their second music video and original song, “Bandwagon Activists”. B****​ Mitzvah specializes in comedy through social commentary, and Bandwagon is no exception.

The song is an expose of the Millennial generation’s obsession with being as “woke” and politically informed as possible. It directly satirizes the hypocrisy behind a great deal of social activism.

“As actors and comics, we often see firsthand how ironic it is for so many people in the entertainment industry to step up on their soapbox as often as possible, whether they have something to say or not,” Megan says.

“Of course, activism is something to be proud of, and the world needs more people to take responsibility for repairing our world, but at the same time, especially because there are so many platforms you can get your news from, it’s easy for people to be under-informed and overly outspoken,” states Jordana.

“Bandwagon Activists” isn’t a political statement. It’s a statement on mob behavior and the desire to belong.

Megan and Jordana don’t limit their social commentary to just music videos. The duo recently released a mini-series, Influential, that documents the lives of three very different social media influencers. In this comedic mini-series, Megan and Jordana delve into the pain behind people who measure their self worth by their number of social media followers.

With the emphasis on social media, it’s easy for social media to feed anxiety. But one of the best forms of relief is laughter.

“Laughter is cathartic,” states Lilly. “When I get really anxious about something, I end up talking to Megan on the phone for hours, and we find some way to laugh about it,” she adds.

“Jordana and I hope to shine a light on how ridiculous this generation is at times, so people feel less alone and can laugh at it, rather than let it consume them,” Megan states.


To view more of their work, head to the girls' social media.



Megan is an award-winning SAG actress, writer, comedian and host of Therapy for the Right-Brained podcast at Abrams Artist's Agency, where she is a client as well. When she is not acting, she performs stand-up comedy at venues such as The Laugh Factory, The Comedy Store, and The Hollywood Improv. She is known for producing her own professional digital content and mini-series that are currently streaming on Amazon Prime. Her series, Verified, currently swept the film festival circuit, accruing five official selections and four wins for best series.  In addition to creating her own content, she has worked with several A-list production and brands such as Carousel, 9Gag, Kevin Hart's LOL Network and TruTV to create original content for them. She currently runs her own content business, Megan Makes Content.








Jordana is a Los Angeles-based actor, writer, comedian with a strong comedic bent, and is a veteran of UCB, Groundlings, and the Hollywood Fringe. She is also a talented singer/songwriter who regularly performs at some of Hollywood’s most sought-out music destinations such as Black Rabbit Rose, The Mint and Hotel Cafe. The triple-threat is also wildly passionate about immersive theatre and is a company member of the famous group Ceaseless Fun. When she’s not on some type of stage, she is performing stand-up and writing and producing comedy content for her quickly growing audience.






​Shazir Mucklai
[email protected]

Source: Megan Nager and Jordana Lilly


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