Those Who Remain In Difficult Economic Situations Are Discovering The Financial Benefits Of MXI Corp.(Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyomi

Established in 2005, Marketing Xocolate International Corporation (MXI-Corp) is the world leader in healthy, dark chocolate products. All MXI Corp products are focused on powerful doses of delicious, antioxidant-rich Belgian cacao.

In a statement released by the Department of Labor Commissioner-The "Vermont unemployment rate is continuing to fall," dropping by two-tenths of a percentage point in March to 5.4 percent, seasonally adjusted, down from 5.6 percent in February. Compared with March 2010, the state's unemployment rate was down 1.2 percent.

This is great news for some, but not for all "Vermonters" who are suffering in "today's tough economy."
Meanwhile those who remain unemployed "might be eligible for up to an additional 13 weeks of unemployment compensation."
Department of Labor Commissioner Annie Noonan said in a prepared statement that, "the slight drop in the unemployment rate showed the state's economy is recovering, improvements in the economy are becoming easier to see."

Many "Vermonters remain in difficult economic situations" because certain industries have not recovered since before the recession - for example: construction, where jobs remain down by more than 10 percent from the levels they hit in late 2007.

The unemployment rate for the state, not seasonally adjusted, is 6.0 percent. The Labor Department has said that "additional unemployment benefits would be available" to Vermonters lacking jobs who have "exhausted" their second tier of Federal Emergency Unemployment Compensation Benefits.
It's not just Vermont who is suffering in this economy it's certainly nationwide. Many People are losing their homes and their families are suffering!

In June 2005, MXI Corp., a family-owned and operated business was founded. The Founders Jeanette Brooks, son Andrew Brooks, and brother Kurtis Nelson were inspired by emerging scientific research on cacao's antioxidant potential and the "amazing health benefits of dark chocolate." Their goal was to "create the ultimate chocolate products: delicious, decadent and healthy! "Theor result is Xoçai Healthy Chocolate, which combines the "world's most longed for superfoods - raw cacao and acai berries, which have been married together into the ultimate antioxidant treat."

MXI Corp. sales "expanded to over 300% in 2007 and over 200% in 2008!" Xocai is distributed through "network marketing." There are over 90,000 distributors globally and distributorship is increasing at a rate of 40% annually. With the "perfect combination of product, science, timing, people and compensation," MXI Corp is "thriving in these challenging economic conditions."

It's been said that "One Billion" people eat dark chocolate each day and cannot get enough of it! Dark Chocolate stimulates the secretion of endorphins, producing a pleasurable sensation similar to the "runner's high" a jogger feels after running several miles. "Only 5% of chocolate products are healthy" milk chocolate, white chocolate, and instant cocoa fall under this "Unhealthy category" About 50% of all food cravings are for chocolate, far more than cravings for "something sweet" (16%), salty foods (12%), baked goods (11%), and fruit (4%).

Xocai is an amazing product which is the "powerhouse of nutrition and antioxidants," and they are pure and natural. They are the "ideal delivery system for the antioxidants your body needs." They are "void of most fat and sugar" typically found in other chocolate products. Xoçai Healthy Gourmet Dark Chocolates contain "no preservatives, waxes, fillers or caffeine, and they provide an abundance of antioxidants essential to optimal health."

Get yourself out of your financial rut and see how Xoçai Healthy Antioxidant-Rich Dark Chocolate provides one of the top compensation plans in network marketing! XOCAI Network Marketing Business Success will be yours; you just need to take that step!
If you'd like to know more about Xocai Healthy Dark Chocolate and would like to taste it for yourself, please contact me.

About MXI Corp (Marketing Xocolate International Corporation):
Established in 2005, Marketing Xocolate International Corporation (MXI-Corp) is the world leader in natural antioxidant products with a particular focus on healthy, dark (and now milk) chocolate products. All MXI Corp products are focused on potent doses of delicious, antioxidant-rich Belgian cacao. MXI Corp believes that the high levels of natural antioxidants that are found in its cacao can provide a viable solution to individual nutritional needs. The Xoçai™ (show-sigh) product line, which currently includes nine products, is manufactured utilizing a proprietary cold-press process, which preserves the nutritional values of the company's proprietary blends of vitamins and minerals. Nevada-based MXI Corp is a "privately held" company. The Brooks family, owners and operators of MXI Corp, have total combined chocolate sales of more than $1 billion.

~MXI Corp currently operates in 25+ countries and has over 200,000 distributors.
~Archived press releases can be found at
~Join Xocai Today!

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Tags: "dark chocolate, adam paul green, HOME BASED BUISNESS, MLM, mxi corp, network marketing, xocai healthy chocolate

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