Thousands of People Live Debt Free Thanks to Cash Gifting

Thousands of people have experienced the truth of these words firsthand through the phenomenon of cash gifting. Not only did they not become poor through their giving, they actually prospered. While it may sound too good to be true, there are thousan

Thousands of People Live Debt Free Thanks to Cash Gifting

A famous quote by Anne Frank states, "No one has ever become poor by giving."

Thousands of people have experienced the truth of these words firsthand through the phenomenon of cash gifting. Not only did they not become poor through their giving, they actually prospered. While it may sound too good to be true, there are thousands of people posting their successful cash gifting stories all over the Internet.

Cash gifting doesn't involve network marketing, multilevel marketing, or any type commercial activity. There are no business transactions, investments and/or securities involved in a properly structured cash gifting activity. There are no products to sell and store. It's strictly giving and receiving real cash gifts.

The concept of private gifting is based on the fact that American citizens have the Constitutional right to gift property, cash and other assets, and are subject to the rules and regulations established by the laws. According to the U.S. gifting rules found in the IRS Tax Code, Title 26, Sections 2501-2504 and 2511, one or more individuals can give a gift to another individual of up to $11,000 each per calendar year without any tax liability to either the giver or receiver of the gift. Because the tax on the gift has already been paid. These gifts are not included in the gross income of the recipient, making the money tax free.

According to James Keane, a successful cash gifting entrepreneur, cash gifting makes it possible for thousands of people to become debt free and live the lives they have always wanted. When asked why he continues to spread the word about cash gifting, Keane says, "My goal is to help as many people financially as I possibly can."

The system Keane uses requires a small investment of as little as $500 and can yield returns of thousands of dollars per month. All you have to do is make contact with one person who is interested in taking part in the system. The best part of Keane's system is you don't have to contact the people yourself by cold calling. They call you by answering your ads and postcards. Keane teaches the people in his system how to get the word out and wait for those who are interested in the cash gifting system to come to you.

For more information about cash gifting, contact James Keane at:


Tags: additional income, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, HOME BUSINESS, increase cash, independent business owner, make money, make money at home, manage, marketing, proven system, relationship marketing, wealth, wealth building, wealth building system, WORK FROM HOME

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