Thousands Of Students Tell The World What Is In Their Heart. Petra Eiko Donates The-Green-Heart Project To Five Los Angeles High Schools

Can you imagine bringing an art project that inspires thousands of students to express what is in their hearts and cause them to want to pay it forward? This is what Petra Eiko has done. "What is in your heart? - The world is listening to stude

Petra Eiko, internationally recognized artist and author, is giving students the rare opportunity to tap into their hearts and create something significant together. The-green-heart project: "What is in your heart?-The world is listening" is engaging Humanitas students from Grant, Lincoln, Roosevelt, San Fernando and Santee Education Complex in a semester-long inquiry (ending in June) into the heart and minds of teenagers.

This project initially began as a large-scale art piece, "the-green-heart-wall" that has been displayed in five venues thus far with upwards of two thousand participants. In order to bring this timely project to multiple schools simultaneously, Eiko created a smaller version of her green heart wall and installed the-green-heart in each of the five schools, provided the supplies and gave guidance to the students. Eiko's project allows students not only to express their dreams and concerns anonymously for the world to see, but also provides another avenue for students to practice teamwork, responsibility, journalism, media/documentation, creativity and publication.

"It is so important these days, when we all tend to separate more and more, to have something that draws us together...and this art project does just that," says Eiko. "To be part of this project is a truly inspiring experience for all of us and will give the students a greater sense of unity within their community."

The students have given their insights on how a single piece of paper allows them to break the habits of superficiality with the aspect of anonymity and make them feel special in the world. The world doesn't have to know your name to know you are special. Many of the students have issues with and have been plagued by bullying. Reading the experiences and feelings of fellow classmates gives the students a safe space and common ground, opening new lines of communication and understanding. These students have taken something so small (a piece of paper) and turned it into something so big (rooms filled from floor to ceiling with posts). This project provides an excellent way for students to come out and meet new people, to express themselves without any pressure and tell the world that they are important and have value far beyond what is "expected" of them.

Each school selected ambassadors of the-green-heart to manage the project. All five schools have their own vision and are using their students' special talents to make this an empowering school wide experience. Petra Eiko and her team are thrilled about the overwhelming response they have received. "If young people, who are after all our future, start to express what is in their hearts it creates an opportunity for greater communication around the world," says Eiko.

The progress of the students will be periodically photographed and posted on a facebook page set up especially for this project: what is in your heart?-the world is listening to students. Stories and observations of the students and by the students are told in blog form at Once the exhibition is completed, the students will create a book containing the stories, posts, and photographs documenting the run of the installation. The proceeds of the book sales will go to each school's art program.

Eiko began collaborating with the Los Angeles Education Partnership last fall to develop an approach to the project that was relevant to high school students. Eiko and her green-heart-team have donated considerable amounts of time to work with the students from each school so that the students could develop their unique visions and maximize their particular talents. "What is in your heart?" allows the students to come together and create something that is uniquely their own on a small scale whilst connecting to their communities and the world on a larger one. The-green-heart is on a journey to bring communities together and to inspire connectivity between individuals.

"What is in your heart?-The world is listening" is an interactive public art installation under the umbrella of the-green-heart, the brainchild of Petra Eiko. Eiko's "What is in your heart?" project entices viewers to pause for a moment in order to contemplate on life, love and things that are meaningful. Sheets of paper are provided for participants to express their thoughts upon and post on Petra's art piece. The juxtaposition of these handwritten or drawn notes with the artwork promotes the feeling of community and connectivity. With every paper, people show that we are not alone-that we have similar thoughts, joys and therefore are all-one. People have stated that becoming a part of the-green-heart project is both stimulating and energizing. It reconnects us to our own heart and also builds bridges to other hearts. The-green-heart is a platform to increase peace, encouraging people to realize their full potential thus improving the world around them.

By expressing "what is in our hearts" and sharing it with the world, we are given the chance to create something meaningful together and to play an active role towards a positive change in our communities. Each post on the-green-heart wall promotes understanding, tolerance and contributes to a happier environment.

The "What is in your heart?" project has been successfully displayed in Santa Monica, Malibu and Sunland-Tujunga. It was installed at the Good Works Space of Darrylynn Kaun at ZeroMinusPlus at Fred Segal, at the Summer "Soulstice" Festival at Edgemar in front of Piero, at Malibu Lumber Yard, at Coogies Beach Cafe for a "Save the Lagoon" event and at McGroarty Arts Center in Sunland-Tujunga.

Eiko is currently in the process of bringing this project abroad and will have installations in Germany and Korea in the near future.

About our Sponsors:
CNG Cylinders International LLC, a Malibu based "drive-green" company that produces high-pressure natural gas cylinders for commercial vehicles supported the project all the way. Otto Nemenz International, one of the largest professional film and digital camera-equipment rental companies in Hollywood, generously supported the project by donating the printed-paper required for the posts. Nemenz will also be gifting the leaders with reusable "green" water bottles-part of his mission to decrease the usage of plastic bottles.

More info: • facebook: what is in your heart? - the world is listening to students.

Youtube Videos about Eiko's Installations:

Good Works Space in ZeroMinusPlus at Fred Segal:
Summer "Soulstice" Festival at Edgemar:
Malibu Lumber Yard:
Petra Eiko interviewed by Mr. Malibu:
the-green-heart project:



Tags: CNG Cylinders International, Grant, heart wall, LAEP, Lincoln, Los Angeles Education Partnershi, Otto Nemenz International, Petra Eiko, public art installation, public art project, Roosevelt, san fernando, Santee Education Complex, the world is listening, the-green-heart, the-green-heart wall, what is in your heart?

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