Three Teachers Turned Bestselling Children's Book Authors Team Up to Help Others Get Published Too

Licensed educators create a company to simplify the publishing process

Mine Monster Characters

Local author and founder of At Home Author Vicky Weber always wanted to write children's books but thought that dream was unrealistic. One day, she decided to dive headfirst into the industry to see what happened. What she found through her research was a lot of overwhelming and conflicting information…and none of it could be easily found in one place.

"It was like trying to put a puzzle together without knowing what the picture looked like. It was defeating at times but I was determined to make my dream come true," Weber says. Sure enough, Weber became a bestselling author within 9 months of publication and later went on to be published by Disney.

In a conversation with fellow teacher and award-winning author Brittany Plumeri, Weber realized that it wasn't just her who felt paralyzed with fear and overwhelmed with information at the start of the publishing process. Plumeri had felt that way too, as did countless others in the author community.

"As licensed educators, we wanted to help. We wanted to do what we do best: teach!" Weber states. So in January of 2021, Weber, Plumeri, and Scholastic author and teacher Chelsea Tornetto created At Home Author: a coaching and consulting company specializing in children's books to help current and aspiring authors navigate the publishing world and achieve success.

Plumeri states: "I wanted to provide a safe place that was lacking in the author community. One that others could trust and know that at the end of the day, they'd walk away with exactly what they need - no loopholes or smokescreens. Just facts and support."

With Weber as the self-publishing expert, Plumeri as design & social media marketing strategist, and Tornetto as the traditional publishing specialist, the company has already helped hundreds of people write, publish, and market their children's books - and make them stand out from the crowd.

Connect with them on FacebookInstagramYouTube, or their website.

If you would like more information about this topic or arrange an interview, please email [email protected]

Source: At Home Author


Tags: author, children's books, leaving the classroom, picture books, teacher career, writing a book