Time Masters Releases New Facial Recognition System For Managing Employee Attendance

Time Masters has released its latest employee attendance management tool: a facial recognition system. This means that employees need only to lock at the clock and within seconds they are identified and clocked in for work.

Time Masters has released its latest employee attendance management tool: a facial recognition system. New to the market in 2010, facial recognition allows for security of biometric fingerprint scanning technology while allowing the flexibility formerly only available in hand reader technology.

Fingerprint and hand readers have been around for more than a decade, so biometric technology isn't exactly new to the market. What is new is the use of facial landmarks for verification. Each face has numerous and distinguishable landmarks, the different peaks and valley that comprise our facial features. On every human face there are approximately 80 unique landmarks including:

• distance between eyes
• width of nose
• depth of eye sockets
• length of jaw line
• shape of cheekbones

These landmarks are used in the verification process to confirm the identity of an individual. In the verification process, the terminal compares the facial image captured to the image it has in its database.

"We were very excited to offer this technology to businesses," says Tony "Tigran" Galstyan. "There was a huge gap in the market between fingerprint and hand readers and we feel we've really met that need. Moreover, we feel that this is a technology that will be attendance system of the future for businesses."

Time Masters' Facial Recognition Attendance System combines state of the art biometric technology with secure, reliable data management. A complete time and attendance System, Time Masters' Facial Recognition System instantly identifies employees and allows for a touch-less, hygienic alternative to fingerprint readers while still eliminating buddy punching. This means that employees need only to lock at the clock and within seconds they are identified and clocked in for work.

For more information on the Amano products carried by Time Masters, please visit www.time-masters.com.


Tags: Facial Recognition Attendance Sy, Facial Time and Attendance, Time Masters, Time Masters Attendance System

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3235 San Fernando Road #1D
Los Angeles, CA 90065