TMHE Recognised for Offering Diversified Career Opportunities - Universum Awards 2012
Online, March 20, 2012 ( - Toyota Material Handling Europe is Employer Branding Company of the Year in Sweden
Toyota Material Handling Europe (TMHE) is awarded by Universum for offering diversified international career opportunities.
In recognition of Toyota Material Handling Europe (TMHE)'s outstanding efforts in employer branding, Universum presented TMHE with the 'Employer Branding Company of the Year' award at the Universum Awards 2012 in Stockholm on 13th March. Universum, a global specialist in employer branding, acknowledged TMHE for successful efforts such as the Toyota Way, a philosophy based on five key values that is embraced by TMHE employees at every level. Universum interviewed TMHE staff members from numerous departments and backgrounds and featured them in Svenska Dagbladet, Campus and Dagens Industri.
TMHE has launched this project and quickly achieved very strong results. TMHE selected the right employees for the interview and succeeded in showing the variety of opportunities for young people in the company. The company has also highlighted in an exciting way its international opportunities and the importance of hiring female engineers. (Source: Universum)
TMHE has been emphasising employer branding since 2010. In a highly competitive material handling market, this is essential to the company's business development. "In the international Toyota Family, each employee's personal advancement is supported, respected and constantly encouraged. Our employees can express their ideas and evolve to their full potential. I strongly believe that creating the right environment and possibilities for our people is the best way to a growing business and a healthy working environment," says Matthias Fischer, President of Toyota Material Handling Europe.
TMHE's culture is built on the Toyota Way, a set of five guiding principles: Challenge, Kaizen (Continuous improvement), Genchi Genbutsu (Going to the source), Respect and Teamwork. These are the pillars on which the company has built its reputation along the years and which all employees, existing and future, are invited to integrate and sustain.
Universum has offices in 12 locations worldwide, including Stockholm, Philadelphia, London and Shanghai.
Tags: employer branding, material handling, TMHE, Toyota Material Handling Europe, Universum Awards