Tom Stevens Assists ABC2 in Drive to Cure Brain Cancer, A Company Applying Edge-of-the-Box-Thinking to Philanthropy

Max Wallace, CEO of Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure (ABC2) calls on Tom Stevens of Think Leadership Ideas to lead team to success.

Sometimes the best way to speed up is to slow down a little. So says Max Wallace, CEO of Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure (ABC2). By investing time to assess his own leadership capability and to learn more about what makes his team tick, Wallace intends to strengthen ABC2's ability to quickly reach its goal: find a cure for brain cancer. To lead his team of five through this discovery process, Wallace has called on Tom Stevens of Think Leadership Ideas.

"I see Tom as our own Lewis and Clark," says Wallace. "He's really good at guiding innovative leaders and getting businesses to give their best possible performance." Wallace has total confidence in Stevens. In fact, lives are depending upon it. Every day more than 40 people, or 15,000 a year, die from brain cancer, an astonishingly fast-paced disease for which there is no known cure.

A small team on such a huge mission must be high performing, Wallace explains. "To make the greatest possible impact, ABC2 has to be agile and quick, to be a finely tuned machine. Tom knows how to get us there."

Stevens will also be working with ABC2, recently named by Time Magazine as a star in the venture-charity model, to define what it means to be a leader in the changing philanthropic landscape. "We're not in the business of raising money. We drive innovation. That's different territory for philanthropy."

An odyssey of sorts, says Wallace, but not one without an experienced guide, as Stevens is a seasoned leader himself. He has led a large not-for-profit and knows the ins and outs of that world. As mayor of the town of Hillsborough for three terms - and he has hopes for a fourth -Stevens leads with enthusiasm and a contagious joy for small town life. As the owner of his own business, he knows what it takes to stay ahead of the curve.

From an operations standpoint, ABC2 is doing what Stevens calls "edge of the box thinking". This kind of thinking, he says, is about the cross-pollination of ideas and perspectives, rather than seeking something radically new. As leaders in applying an entrepreneurial mindset to philanthropic giving, Stevens explains, ABC2 needs time to shape team roles and behavior and to explore each other's views about their mission.

Wallace knows Stevens can shape conversations that will inspire this team to work better and from working with him they will be able to move forward a cure for brain cancer. When lives are at stake there's not a moment to waste.

"This is tough work and the pace is intense. We can't afford to have team issues slow us down," says Wallace. "Tom can help us get to the top of our game and exceed our own expectations.

About Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure (ABC2)
Based in Washington, D.C., ABC2 believes that a nimble, focused, and aggressive entrepreneurial model will increase the number of therapies discovered and will enable those therapies to be more rapidly driven into the clinic. They provide researchers with the pivotal support needed to make critical breakthroughs and fund novel translational research aimed at finding the fastest possible route to a cure. ABC2's partners range from medical research centers to early-stage biotechnology companies to large multi-national pharmaceutical companies. For more information, visit or call 202.419.3140.
About Tom Stevens
Tom Stevens is a seasoned professional speaker, master facilitator, and leadership coach. Founder of Think Leadership Ideas, Stevens brings executives, business owners, and knowledge professionals the leadership insight and know-how to create and sustain exceptional organizations. Stevens is a professional member of the National Speaker's Association and a charter member of The Society for the Advancement of Consulting. His clients include global corporations, colleges and universities, associations, and enterprising nonprofits. Stevens' podcast, 7 Ideas Coach - 7 Ideas in 7 Minutes for Busy Leaders, has over 50 episodes and is followed worldwide through Apple iTunes. First elected in 2005, Stevens is running for a fourth term as mayor of Hillsborough, N.C. To book Stevens for a speaking or facilitation event or to get additional information about other services offered by Think Leadership Ideas, visit or call 800.727.9788.



Tags: cancer, Leadership Skills, philanthropy

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