ToonSpaghetti Movie Maker for Kids Rockets Up App Store Rankings Worldwide

TechSpaghetti are proud to see their free to play ToonSpaghetti app reach top five ranking in 22 countries on its opening weekend. Kids from Asia to Europe to the US are developing their creative thinking using this fun and educational app.

The TechSpaghetti team are very proud to have their first app, ToonSpaghetti Movie Maker for Kids: Music Play, featured in the Apple App Store in over a hundred counties worldwide in its opening weekend. The app has had an amazing response, with top five rankings in the kids 6-8 category in 22 countries. Kids from Asia to Europe to the US are making and sharing their awesome stories with ToonSpaghetti.

Using their Spaghetti Sense, kids bring their stories to life by picking from 18 different story moods, adding cool music from ToonSpaghetti's extensive sound library and capturing their audience with animated sound effects. Kids can then share their finished masterpieces with friends and family online.

"We love the TechSpaghetti approach mixing different educational patterns, delivering inspiring, interactive video content. This approach helps kids to learn how to use tech tools creatively to achieve their goals in life, develop critical thinking and unfold their real talents - equipping them with roots & wings."

Evgeni Kouri, Founder & CEO,

So is it all fun and games? The Spaghetti Sense learning method was conceived by primary school teacher Leah Hinton, to help kids develop crucial creative thinking skills. With help from Ugo the Alien, they learn to apply logic to their inherent creativity, preparing them for 21st century challenges.

Play features

- Exciting stories and adventures

- Cool characters

- Choose awesome music

- Add dramatic sound effects

- Earn spags and rewards through fun challenges

- Get your finished ToonSpaghetti movies to share with friends and family

Learning features

- Interpret moods and emotions

- Build descriptive vocabulary

- Understand language and story structure

- Communicate via digital media

- Engage an audience

ToonSpaghetti was developed with the help of seven young innovators, chosen from the two hundred elementary aged kids involved in testing. Feedback from these kids, as well as educators and parents around the world, continues to shape the series.


Tags: 6, 7, 8, cartoon, creative, education, fun, game, kids, learn, make, maker, movie, music, play, story, storytelling