Top Criminal Defense Attorney In San Antonio Helps Prep New Police Cadets

Local San Antonio Attorney, Nico LaHood, helps train young police officers on what to expect during a trial. Many police officers now play an integral part during courtroom cases but lack the experience to really understand what challenges await them

As crime becomes more evident than ever in everyday news the demands on police officers increase. More officers are now finding themselves playing integral roles in the prosecution of courtroom cases. A training program in San Antonio Texas uses "reality based training" to prepare new cadets for this process in an intense and pragmatic way.

Using the resources of local government and attorneys, the Alamo Area Regional Law Enforcement Academy puts their cadets through their paces by using mock trials. They find the toughest attorneys and judges in the area and bring them in to enlighten the cadets on the courtroom processes and stressors.

One of San Antonio's most respected criminal defense attorneys, Nico Lahood from the LaHood and Del Cueto firm, decided to volunteer his time to help train cadets because he understands their impact. "Law enforcement is an integral part of our justice system. That's why cadet training and education is so vitally important."

Many of the local judges and prosecutors passionately support the program as it educates cadets on the most efficient way to testify, and how to effectively relay facts to a jury. In addition, reality based training clarifies the conduct expected in the field.

Nico adds, "Testifying in a jury trial can be a difficult, nerve racking experience. During cross-examination officers are subjected to very tough questions. This is why it's critical that they have training on effective testimony techniques. That training allows them to relay the facts to a jury in a clear, concise fashion."

The program sought real world training that would be useful in the field and ensure that officers were given the highest standards to abide by once they graduate. The program is thought to create ethical, informed and confident officers who enter the workforce and perform at the highest level.

The Alamo Area Regional Law Enforcement Academy also provides continuing education courses and certifications at intermediate, advanced, and master levels. They offer licensure through the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Education.


Tags: Criminal Defense Attorneys, DWI attorneys, san antonio attorneys

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Nico LaHood
Press Contact, The Law Offices of LaHood & Del Cueto
The Law Offices of LaHood & Del Cueto
1924 North Main Avenue
San Antonio, TX 78212
United States