Top Dallas Personal Injury Lawyers from IJUSTGOTHIT.COM Launch New Mobile Website

If you are hurt in a car accident you need a personal injury attorney that will fight for your rights. was developed to help those seeking a Dallas Accident Attorney get the help they need after an auto accident.

Dallas, Texas, July 22, 2010 - The IJUSTGOTHIT.COM legal team of the Godsey Law Firm, comprised of some of the leading Dallas personal injury lawyers ( ), celebrated the launch of their brand-new mobile website this week. With the ongoing rise in mobile technology and handheld usage, the Godsey Law Firm has taken the steps to bridge the gap between the time an accident occurs and the point where legal representation is sought by accident victims.

IJUSTGOTHIT.COM provides a user-friendly interface where anyone can submit information, including photos, concerning their accident which is immediately received by the firm. From their, clients are provided a free consultation to discuss their case even further. Although they presently have a well-planned website and submission system in place, the firm pursued ideas that would accommodate specifically to the modern auto accident setting. In the event of a car wreck, it is virtually guaranteed that anyone involved will pull out their cell phone, if they own one. However, the difference now is that they are no longer used as simple calling devices to notify the police, family and their insurance provider. Now people use their mobile phones to take photos of the accident, jot down any notable facts concerning the situation, document exchanged insurance material and store contact information concerning the other party involved. With all of this data readily available, the Godsey Law Firm viewed this as an opportunity to extend their already convenient service directly to the mobile savvy motorist. Now those involved in accidents can quickly provide every single piece of information collected on site before ever leaving the scene.

The IJUSTGOTHIT.COM ( ) team operates under the Godsey Law Firm, headed by prominent Dallas accident attorney ( ) David Godsey. Apart from auto accidents, Godsey's firm handles all varieties of personal injury cases. As a former insurance adjuster and standout manager with a globally recognized big insurance company, David Godsey is a high-performing Dallas personal injury attorney. He gained first-hand knowledge, while working for a large insurance company, of how these insurance companies handle their claims in a way that often takes advantage of the accident victim. Today David Godsey only represents accident victims - not big businesses. The Godsey Law Firm knows how to fight big insurance companies and get you the best possible legal outcome.


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