Top Five Challenges Small Companies Face With Their Websites-and How to Solve Them

Equisolve delivers cutting-edge communications solutions with 34 server locations in 14 countries, ensuring each website visitor enjoys near-instantaneous page loading from around the globe.

Executives at small-cap companies need a functional, aesthetically pleasing corporate website addressing their business and investors, but most executives lack time and resources to do the best job. Consequently, the company is faced with numerous challenges as the site is developed. Here are five common ones:

• Content. Misunderstanding one's audience can result in homepage content that fails to communicate the company's story or intuitively direct specific visitors to content they seek. There may be inconsistencies between website content and the company's press releases, filings and presentations. The site can suffer from a lack of financial information updated in real time. Spurious images, video and audio files can clutter the page.

• Technology. If a website loads slowly, is not cross-browser compatible, or fails to provide intuitive navigation, it will be seen as unprofessional and usually result in the early departure of a visitor.

• Compliance. Not posting XBRL files within 24 hours of the related filings is a mistake. Further shortcomings can include failing to provide insider section 16 filings or corporate governance, and improperly linking to third-party content in a way that creates content liabilities.

• Outreach. Failing to get website visitors to sign up for news alerts is a shortcoming, as is not properly communicating with them once they do. News alerts need to be distributed through multiple media such as email, social media and apps.

• Cost. Wasting C-level resources on website management, spending too much money on website design and maintenance, and overpaying for data feeds and services are all too common among small businesses.

"To avoid these sorts of mistakes, many companies look to partner with an outside firm specializing in website and mobile app design and development," says Tom Runzo, co-founder, president and CEO of Equisolve. "The challenge is finding a design and development firm with the talent and experience to do the job right."

Equisolve delivers cutting-edge communications solutions for public companies by integrating client companies' corporate website, IR website, IR mobile app and webcasting on a single system. This platform provides simple back-end tools that automate and simplify most tasks associated with a client's online and mobile presence -including webcasting/teleconferencing and shareholder communication. Additionally, the company has 34 server locations in 14 countries, ensuring each website visitor enjoys near-instantaneous page loading from around the globe.

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Tags: Equisolve, investor relations, mobile app, stock, teleconferencing, webcasting, Website

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