Top Health Tips For The Retired With Nutrilite
Online, October 26, 2012 ( - Now that the UK has more pensioners than people under 16, health in the over 60s is becoming an increasing focus. Nutrilite recommends the following steps for not only the over 60s but also those that care for them
1. According to Age UK, poor vision was a factor in 270,000 falls in people over the age of 60 in the previous two years. To ensure that your eyesight stays healthy, eye tests are available on the NHS every two years for over 60s and every year for over 70s and a healthy, balanced diet rich in Omega-3 and lutein from an early stage can help prevent these problems. Therefore try to eat as much spinach, green peas and oily fish in your diet however if this proves difficult, a lutein supplement such as Nutrilite Bilberry with Lutein may be more appropriate
2. Dehydration is a common issue amongst older people in the UK as there is a decline in the amount of lean body tissue, and increase in body fat and a decrease in the percentage of body water as you grow old. As a tasty alternative to water, rehydration drinks such as Nutrilite fitH2O not only add variety but can also provide antioxidant protection against free radicals
3. Age UK's research shows that more than 2.5 million people over 60 in the UK suffer from urinary incontinence and they recommend regular gentle exercise, drinking normally (six to eight cups of water per day) and a high fibre diet rich in for example wholemeal bread or jacket potatoes. However if you find it difficult to manage such a big meal, Nutrilite fibre powder may be the solution as you do not have to swallow a tablet and it can be peppered on your meal
4. There are plenty of options for gentle and fun exercise which will help to strengthen your muscles and bones, for example Aqua aerobics or Pilates. For more information about classes near you contact your local council
5. Arthritis is a common and debilitating health problem which affects around 10 million people in the UK and Arthritis UK Research recommends several supplement solutions such as Omega-3 for inflammatory arthritis and vitamin E which helps to prevent damage to bones. You may want to consider supplementing your diet for example with Nutrilite Lecithin E in order to ensure that you are getting enough vitamin E on a daily basis
The 'Nutrilite Family Health - Naturally' campaign aims to encourage you and your family to think of different ways to be more healthy. Find out more on the Nutrilite Facebook or via Twitter @NutriliteFamily
Tags: Health, supplements, vitamins