Top Jobs in 2010 By JobConcierge Executive Job Search

To help jobseekers going forward, put together a collection of the best careers in 2010 that are expected to do well in the years ahead.

In the past month, many renowned economists have been coming out of the closet and predicting a recovery in the job market and positive economic growth in early 2010. Reasons given were that staffing levels now are barely adequate for the current level of output and that layoffs were overdone last year. To help jobseekers going forward, has put together a collection of the best careers in 2010 that are expected to do well in the years ahead.

"Although the hot careers today may no longer even be around tomorrow, we're firm believers in underlying macroeconomic trends. Some of these trends for the best jobs in 2010 include healthcare, business services and globalization. If you're in an adverse industry and are currently unemployed, now may be a good time to be training or attending classes for another career. However, all industries are expected to show a bounce in employment - even the financial services and auto industry." says Jason Lee, founder.

"We encourage jobseekers to continue to network and monitor job boards wisely. The average jobseeker spends 50 hours each month in front of the computer searching through the major online job boards. What people don't realize is that they're finding the same jobs that everyone else has already found and wondering why their search isn't going anywhere. We found that by only using the major job boards, many job searchers were missing as much as half the jobs out there relevant to them. We're proud to offer the JobConcierge job search optimization service that'll put more people back on track towards finding the careers of their dreams."

JobConcierge is a human-powered executive job search service where real people search through over 300 job boards and submit applications. By focusing on job search optimization, JobConcierge helps jobseekers widen their job searches and increase their chances of finding the right jobs in less time.

For more information, visit the company's website at or contact [email protected]


Tags: 2010, Best, jobs


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