Top NCAA Programs Are Snapping Up New Neck Device That Reduces The Forces Generated During Collisions. Available At

The KERR collar greatly reduces head acceleration rates a key cause of concussions. While absorbing up to 43% of impact to the head and neck, being 993% more affective than the leading neck protection product on the market during critical collisions


4 years ago, in 2008, the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine published an article about a revolutionary new football device being tested at Virginia Tech Wake Forest's Center for Injury Biomechanics. The test, challenged the effectiveness of top neck protection devices on the market, against a new prototype called the Kerr Collar. At the time, the prototype significantly outperformed its predecessors. Today, as concerns about safety & football have never been higher, that product is finally ready for purchase by the consuming public at

Dr. Patrick Kerr of the New York based practice, Atlas Orthogonal New York, has put the finishing touches on his revolutionary new player protection device, the Kerr Collar. Through extensive testing at Virginia Tech, the Kerr Collar has been clinically shown to significantly reduce the forces to the head and neck generated during football collisions, better than any other product on the market. Particularly, it reduces head acceleration rates and force transmission to the neck during collisions from multiple directions. After 8 years in development, the new device is finally ready for purchase at for this football season.

In football, which is facing increased scrutiny about the long term, dangerous affects of playing the game, the Kerr Collar is the only notable new product making advancements in player safety. Parents, coaches, and past players of the game have all voiced their growing concerns; the KERR Collar is one product taking strides to make a difference.

Greatly reduces head acceleration rates, a key cause of concussions

Absorbs up to 43% of impact to the head and neck

993% more affective than the leading neck protection product on the market during critical collisions

NCAA Teams

Though the device has just launched to the consumer public, much of the research and testing was done through relationships at top NCAA football programs. The Kerr Collar was tested extensively at the Virginia Tech's Wake Forest Center for Injury Biomechanics.

Prototypes are being worn by players on the Virginia Tech football team, as well as players on Oklahoma University, Ohio State University, University of Georgia, Georgia Tech, University of North Carolina, University of Connecticut, Rutgers University, and Marist College.

Orders have begun flying in from the original prototype universities as well as institutions like University of Southern California, Syracuse University, Florida State University, Appalachian State University, and Louisville University.

About the KERR Collar

Previous neck protection devices have restricted a player's mobility significantly. The Kerr Collar rests on the player's shoulders and gets laced into the shoulder pads, allowing players to be mobile and active during regular athletic activity.
The KERR Collar device reduces the head acceleration rates and force transmission to the neck due to its unique design. The Kerr Collar is designed to contact the base of the helmet during the moment of an impact. The stiffness and design of the collar prevents the neck from further compression and displaces some of the load off of the neck and onto the shoulders.

About Dr. Patrick Kerr

Dr. Patrick Kerr is a Licensed Doctor of Chiropractic, with extensive post-graduate specialty training in the Atlas- Orthogonal method. Dr. Kerr received his D.C. from Life Chiropractic College in Marietta, Georgia, and received his Board Certification as an Atlas Orthogonist (B.C.A.O) from Roy Sweat Foundation in Atlanta, Georgia, where the procedure was first developed.

He played football in high school and college, which helped him to understand football and other sports injuries. It is this knowledge that led to the development of his neck protection device for football players.

Key Details & Conclusions of Research

Full detailed research from Virginia Tech's Wake Forest Center for Injury Biomechanics available here. A series of 48 tests were performed to assess the dynamic biomechanical effects of neck collars currently used in competitive football. Each neck collar was tested at two different impact speeds, at three different impact locations, and two different shoulder pad positions. Overall, the collars performed better when the shoulder pads were in the raised configuration.

TOP IMPACT - With the top impact location, it was found that the Kerr Collar and Bullock Collar reduced head accelerations and force transmission through the neck, with the Kerr Collar producing greater reductions in force transmission. The Cowboy Collar produced no reductions in a top impact.

FRONT IMPACT - With the front impact location, all the collars reduced lower neck moment, while the Kerr Collar was also capable of reducing the lower neck force and upper neck moment.

SIDE IMPACT - With the side impact location, the Kerr Collar produced the greatest lower neck moment reductions. These reductions in loads correlate with how much each collar restricted the motion of the head and neck.

Limited Time Retail Price: $129.00 - $149.00 Available Online: September 4th, 2012


Tags: Concussion, Dr. Patrick Kerr, equipement, Football, football pads, KERR, Kerr Collar, Kerr Sports, NFL

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