Topper Cigar Unveils 'Topper 1894': A Testament to Tradition and Legacy as America's Longest-Standing Family-Owned Cigar Company

Topper 1894 Product Line

Topper Cigar proudly announces the launch of its latest product, the Topper 1894 cigar line, commemorating 130 years of excellence and heritage as Topper Cigar is revealed as the oldest family-owned cigar company in the United States.

Rooted in the recent discovery of historical documents by Chris Topper, the fourth-generation steward of this iconic American cigar brand, it has been revealed that the company's inception traces back to the year 1894. This finding establishes Topper Cigar as the longest-standing family-owned cigar company in America. To honor this legacy and mark the company's 130th anniversary, Topper Cigar is launching a new line: Topper 1894.

“I was thrilled to discover a letter penned by my great-grandfather,” said Chris Topper, President of Topper Cigar. “Dated 1921 and featuring a vintage Topper Cigar logo, this letter unveiled a richer narrative for our brand and positions Topper Cigar as the oldest family-owned and operated cigar company in the country. In light of this historical revelation, it was only fitting to develop a new line of cigars that honors my family’s legacy and delivers a new product that appeals to today’s cigar smokers.”

The Topper 1894 cigar line embodies the essence of tradition and craftsmanship that defines Topper Cigar. Meticulously handcrafted, each cigar is a testament to the brand's enduring and uncompromising commitment to quality. This new offering is comprised of Habano seed tobacco grown in the U.S., and U.S. seed tobacco grown in the Dominican Republic.

For further details on Topper Cigar and the new Topper 1894 line, please contact Topper Cigar at [email protected] or 800-966-8677. Stay connected with Topper Cigar on Facebook and Instagram to receive the latest updates from the brand. 

Source: Topper Cigar Company, Inc.


Tags: Cigars, Family Owned, Natural Leaf Cigars, Topper 1894, Topper Cigars

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About Topper Cigar Company, Inc.

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Topper Cigar is the oldest family-owned cigar company in the United States with continuous operations since 1894. The classic American cigar brand has been producing quality natural leaf cigars at a value price point for 130 years.

Topper Cigar Company, Inc.
PO Box 76
Meriden, CT 06450
United States