Topper Interview: My GDPI experiences at MICA, XLRI et al

We have interviewed Shipra Pandey, 94.89 percentiler of CAT 2009. After getting selected by IRMA, MICA, XIMB, Shipra decided to join MICA as she is interested to take up marketing as a career.

With the top B Schools declaring their final results, the smiles are coming back on the faces of the hard working and determined MBA aspirants who took the MBA entrance exams like CAT, XAT, IIFT etc. in 2009-10. We, at have yet again started our quest to find out their secrets of success. In the exclusive interviews of toppers you will come to know about their preparation strategies and experience of taking test and attending GD & PIs of the top B Schools.

We have interviewed Shipra Pandey, 94.89 percentiler of CAT 2009. After getting selected by IRMA, MICA, XIMB, Shipra decided to join MICA as she is interested to take up marketing as a career. Let us know in details about her journey to reach the gateway to the top B Schools.

Excerpts from the exclusive interview:

Q: What is your CAT 2009 percentile?
A: I have scored 94.89 percentile in CAT 2009.

Q: How many GD & PI rounds have you had? Please share your experience in detail.
A: I had my GD & PI at IRMA, MICA, XLRI, IIFT and XIMB. Let me share my experience in each of these MBA institutes.

IRMA: GD was really interesting. We had a topic on polythene and its misuse. I got decent number of entries in it and also put in a Sanskrit quote. Then we had personal interviews. Mine lasted for about 15 minutes. I was asked Why IRMA and I stated my reasons. Then I elaborated upon the social work I have already done and was then asked the difference between a social entrepreneur and activist. I told them what I understood from both these terms. Then they came upon my extra curricular activities. I was asked about my debate at DU, basketball matches and the story written by me, for which I had won a national prize. The interview panel patiently listened to the whole story and then my interview ended.

MICA: MICA holds a Group Exercise (GE) along with written exercise, GD & PI. The GE was fun! We had to make a model of living room with gadgets. We made 3D models of furniture and gadgets. Then there were some written exercises that were fairly simple. We had a case study too. Thereafter, we went for the interview. My interview was conducted half in Hindi and half in English as I had said that I am comfortable in both languages when asked about my bilingual debate. They asked me Why MICA and not some other college and the calls I had got. I answered accordingly and it lasted for about 10 to 15 minutes.

XLRI: GD was on corruption and it was a good discussion. Good points came across from everyone and I threw in a quote too that Power does not corrupt people, fools however, if they get into positions of power, corrupt power. It was a great discussion. Then it was turn for the interview. I was asked what I had been doing these past few months. I told them that I had been involved in assignment work with UNICEF. Then they asked me about it in detail and grilled me on my career objectives. Then they came on to my extra curricular activities and it all lasted for about 15 minutes.

IIFT: Essay was on tourism and ways to enhance it in India. Then we went for the GD which was on foreign universities in India and their impact. I got a good number of entries in it and supervised it for one minute as every one of us was supposed to. I had read up on this the night before fortunately and thus could quote statistics too. Then it was time for the interview. They asked me about my UNICEF assignments. As I had mentioned reading as my hobby, much discussion was done on the books I had mentioned in the form. It was a pleasant interview and no technical questions were asked.

XIMB: The GD topic was 'Purani Jeans aur Guitar' and it lasted for about seven minutes. There was a little bit of chaos in the GD but I managed about three entries in it. When a person said that guitar signifies the existence of westernization in our culture and that it is losing its values, I mentioned that our culture is very liberal and we have the ability to absorb good values from different cultures. Also, taken in a positive light, the guitar can signify harmony in everything that we do and also our conduct and values. During the interview, my panel began with the points that I had spoken in GD and I built upon them. Then they discussed my assignments with UNICEF and also my career objectives. They asked how I would link my engineering background with these, to which I answered satisfactorily. Then they asked me about my projects in engineering and grilled me on them. Then we talked about idealism and if corporate life spoils it.

Q: Which are the institutes that shortlisted you for GD/Essay & PI rounds and offered you final admission?
A: The institutes are IRMA, MICA, XIMB and IIFT (waitlisted).

Q: Which is the institute that you have decided to take admission and why?
A: I have decided to join MICA as marketing interests me.
In the second part of this interview, Shipra will discuss about her preparation strategy and suggestions to future CAT takers

Stay tuned to for more topper interviews


Tags: mba, mba exams, mba preparations

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