Toronto Criminal Lawyer Adam Goodman Re-Launches Popular Blog
Online, August 23, 2012 ( - Adam Goodman, seasoned criminal law attorney in Toronto, announced the re-launch of his well-read blog, known for its wise commentary on current news-worthy criminal law cases, as well as helpful explanations about what to expect throughout the legal process.
The new blog features expert insight from Mr. Goodman regarding the state of criminal law in Ontario and throughout Canada, including his feelings towards the police, as well as court proceedings on some well-known and not so well-known cases.
"I find it quite bothersome that people who rightfully know and assert their Charter rights may be doing themselves a disservice. In our system, Charter violations by police are generally dealt with in court, long after the events giving rise to the violation. The Charter should be a document that is respected and adhered to by those in authority and not something that is debated in a courtroom setting."
In some recent posts, Mr. Goodman has discussed:
• The case of a number of young people who were arrested following a confrontation with TAVIS officers of the Toronto Police
• The Court of Appeals decision in R. v. Gordon, 2012 ONCA 533 - Jury Instructions to Remedy Trial Issues
• How a Conditional Discharge works
• What the charges would be for a man who threw a beer bottle on the track during the 100m race at the London Olympics
• What it means in Canada to 'Drop the Charges'
The purpose of this blog is to inform Mr. Goodman's readers about what is happening in the criminal justice system, allow open discussions about different criminal law topics that are happening in the news, and to educate readers on what to expect should they find themselves involved with the courts.
The blog is a great place to go to ask questions in the comment section, hear what other people dealing with the justice system are experiencing, as well as a place where journalists can go should they need an interview with a criminal lawyer about a big case that is making headlines.
If you are interested in booking an interview with Mr. Adam Goodman, please visit his website or call his office directly at (416) 477-6793.
For those interested in reading more about criminal law, please visit the revamped blog:
Tags: criminal attorney, Criminal Law Firm, criminal law office Toronto, criminal lawyer, criminal lawyer Toronto, toronto