Tower One Survivor Leslie Haskin Responds to Bin Laden News
Online, May 2, 2011 (
"I wake to mixed emotions...almost numb. On one hand I'm grateful to our president and armed services for bringing a murderer to death. This is certainly justice for me, for the thousands who lost loved ones on 9/11 and for the thousands more lives lost in pursuit of this justice.
Although Bin Laden's death will not undo ten years of pain, missed birthdays, holidays, graduations or anniversaries, it will help to bring some semblance of closure for many.
For me, I'm grateful to God for allowing me and all Americans to see justice finally served in our day," Leslie Haskin, Tower One Survivor
As someone who escaped the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, Leslie Haskin has seen more than her share of unimaginable tragedy. Her searing recollection of those horrifying moments between the time the plane crashed into her building and when she finally emerged from the crumbling wreckage-a story told in Between Heaven and Ground Zero (Bethany House Publishers, 2006)-is a heartbreaking tale of unforgettable loss. But it is also a story of joy-filled hope and healing that brings into perspective all that happened on that terrible day.
Loving the corporate life, and all the glamour of the Big Apple, Leslie easily settled into all the perks, prestige and power that her titles and corner office in Tower One of the World Trade Center afforded. Then, on September 11, 2001, it all came crashing down around her. Fortunate to escape with her life, Leslie endured the loss of her home, her career, her life savings and everything she had worked so hard to accumulate and accomplish. She struggled for years to overcome the paralyzing effects of severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Marking September 11, 2001, as a cornerstone, Leslie now speaks internationally about her experience. Leslie mesmerizes audiences with her true life account of surviving the fall of the Twin Towers and her testimony of being a single mom, climbing the corporate ladder and then losing it all.
Her amazing story of leaving the success of corporate America, rebuilding her life around faith, and becoming an inspirational speaker and writer is a real encouragement to audiences across the globe. Leslie speaks about hope, faith, freedom and fighting to survive.
To Schedule an interview Contact Diane Morrow
800-927-1517 or [email protected]
Tags: 9/11 Survivor, Bethany House Publishers, Between Heaven and Ground Zero, Leslie Haskins, Osama Bin Laden Death