Toxic Assets, Novel By Caroline Gerardo Release

Caroline Gerardo's novel, TOXIC ASSETS release Caroline worked in the mortgage industry for twenty years. This fictional story reveals the inside of the mortgage banking business before 2007 from a perspective never seen before.

"This is timely and interesting story will have you wondering, who is killing the Board Members?"

"Ms. Gerardo's payback for the Mortgage Meltdown is a fictional story of lavish lifestyles, murder and greed. Follow the Chain of Blame in this masterful thriller. Ms. Gerardo's writing style is fast paced and cinematic."

Plot Summary:
Katherine McVeigh has a successful career as Head of Secondary at Bear Stearns. Her husband, a Wall Street bond trader disappears after hiding all their savings and his fraudulent activities at work. She accepts a new position in Newport Beach California as President of the Mortgage Division of Nationwide Bank to get away from her failed marriage and make a new start. What she does not know in moving her sons across country that she going to be framed for the murders of Board Members of the bank. She struggles with balancing her career goals and raising her sons. Rob, a co-worker develops a new love interest. The story shows the lavish expenses of a President's Awards party in the Turks and Caicos. While at the island party, a second Board Member is murdered. Katherine finds herself drugged at the crime scene. Rob comes to her rescue and "helps" dispose of the body. The reader does not know who to trust as the murderer is not revealed until when the story finalizes in Las Vegas where Katherine is delivering a payoff to the MGM for a top sales employee who is in over his head in debt.


Caroline Gerardo worked for Washington Mutual Bank for most of her adult career. Although the characters are fictional, and no Board Members have been murdered the fictional story is set with all the true details of the business. In fact it is an entertaining tell -all for what really happened.


Tags: bailout, bank, bank bailout, Bank failures, Bank of America, Banking, banks, Bernanke, best-seller, books, bubble, causes of financial crisis, causes of global financial crisi, Chase, countrywide, current financial crisis, current money supply, debt based monetary system, debt based money, debt money, economic crisis, economic meltdown, end the fed, expansionary monetary policy, federal reserve, Federal Reserve Bank, federal reserve conspiracy, federal reserve crisis, fiat currency, fiat money, financial crisis, financial meltdown, foreclosure, foreclosures, fractional banking system, fractional reserve, fractional reserve banking, fractional reserve banking defin, fractional reserve banking expla, fractional reserve banking fraud, fractional reserve banking syste, fractional reserve lending, fractional reserve system, Geithner, global economic crisis, global financial crisis, global recession, international monetary system, make money supply, monetary, monetary policy, monetary policy tools, monetary system, monetary systems, money as debt, money debt, money supplies, money supply, money supply growth, murder, mystery, novel, paper money, Real Estate, recession, story, subprime mortgage, the fed, the federal reserve system, the monetary system, thriller, total money supply, u.s. monetary system, wamu, Washington mutual, world monetary system, world money supply

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Press Contact, Caroline Gerardo Author
Caroline Gerardo Author
10 Pacific Coast Highway
Newport Beach, CA 92660