TradeSystem Workstation Integrates Trading Applications Across Platforms

Orion Computer Systems, Inc. (OCSI) announced the beta launch of its TradeSystem, a Java Swing based workstation for serving critical needs of money managers, brokers, and traders in both institutional and retail markets.

NEW YORK CITY, January 2, 2010 - Orion Computer Systems Inc. announced the beta launch of its traders' work station named TradeSystem detailed at .

Built in Java Swing, TradeSystem provides an open framework for financial trading applications.

TradeSystem is to serve the critical trading needs of money managers, brokers, and traders in any financial market domain where speed and delivery of market rate information, and rapid order execution in a multi-platform environment are essential business needs.

TradeSystem's framework is intended to provide a unified alternative to non-interoperable applications on a trading desk. This by providing the means to cost effectively consolidate both retail and institutional trading functional needs on a cross-platform basis.

TradeSystem has portable trading applications as subsystems and uses market access API's (application program interfaces). As an open framework, TradeSystem enables rapid application development and deployment. Built with Java 6+, it also takes advantage of cross platform portability; and Java's low-latency multi-threading capability. This enables TradeSystem to deliver superior performance for the markets it supports.

Version 1 provides flagship applications in equities/stocks, indexes, fixed income, and foreign exchange. These are intended to be used directly or built upon. For money managers, Version 1 includes OCSI's Retail Forex Multi-Account Group Trade Manager. This uses its proprietary MT4 Forex Server cross-platform access API. For both retail and institutional usage in equities, fixed income, and other markets an open source quick FIX (financial information exchange) protocol API is implemented. Future versions/releases of TradeSystem will include application subsystems for additional market domains such as commodities.

As an open framework, TradeSystem also enables the opportunity to incorporate any third party application which can run in Java Swing. OCSI's founder Orion Daley noted:

'Adding candidate applications is like building with Legos. Things tend to snap together in an object- oriented way. This means that TradeSystem applications can be leveraged and also integrated with other candidate applications. It makes TradeSystem an ideal candidate for adapting to a trading environment's needs.'

OCSI is seeking strategic partners for bringing TradeSystem to the market. TradeSystem and its custom, in-house proprietary APIs are to be licensed and white labeled by OEMs and financial service developers that wish to add value in meeting their institutional and retail client's needs.

For Institutions: TradeSystem can be part of a unified enterprise-wide framework. Servlets, Enterprise Java Beans, and Java Data Base Connections are considered contained within their own context of an application subsystem. Interoperability then becomes a matter of object orientation. Daley further noted:

'One way it can be used is as part of a standardized strategic framework. For example, a Custodian Lender Asset Management system can include both Securities Lending and REPO Desks. That is in addition to business core management subsystems for portfolio management, risk analytics, research, credit, trading and sales. In other words, there can be many separate and non-interoperable applications in a Lending Institution's operation where TradeSystem can fit within its plan for an integrated strategic architecture.'

For OEM and Retail: Third party and personal implementations of subsystem applications can be incorporated when wanting to replace heterogeneous systems in an object-oriented framework. An example is in the Forex Group Trade Manager in Version 1. It uses OCSI's proprietary MT4 Forex Server cross platform API to access Meta Quote's Microsoft native bound dynamic link library: mtmanapi.dll. Another example could be in the base Equities Workstation which uses FIX for ECN connections. For a Stock Analytic/Auto Execution order candidate application, or one for equity options and derivatives, it would become a subsystem within Equities.

About Orion Computer Systems, Inc (OCSI) - Founded by Orion Daley, OCSI is a financial systems integrator providing direct software solutions and through third party contractual engagements to institutional banks, and financial firms in the greater NY City area.


Tags: financial software, financial software java, fixed income, Foreign Exchange Markets, Foreign Exchange News, foreign exchange software, FX Software in C++, interest rates, MetaTrader 4 Java API, metatrader java api, mt4 java api and treasury yield , MT4 Server Java API, options, press release, REPO, Securities Lending, stocks, TradeSystem, TradeSystem Reference Manual, Trading in the Foreign Exchange , Treasury Bonds

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