Trailblazer Technology Partners With ePayPolicy to Offer Online Payments Within Trailblazer-Portal Platform

New Functionality Accelerates Receivables and Binding, Dramatically Improves Overall Customer Experience
Trailblazer Technology

Trailblazer Technology, a provider of core systems solutions for small insurers, has partnered with ePayPolicy, the fastest, easiest, and most secure way for insurers to move money. Through the partnership, Trailblazer Technology clients on the Trailblazer-Portal™ platform now can offer their policyholders a secure and modern solution for online payments.

"For our small carriers, MGAs, self-insured groups, and mutuals, this integration is a major step forward," said Trailblazer Technology President and CEO, Aaron Shapiro. "Everything we do is about streamlining our clients' operations and reducing friction for their agents and policyholders. Baking in online payments from a trusted, industry-recognized provider like ePayPolicy is a customer experience game-changer for these small insurers." 

ePayPolicy facilitates easy, secure online payments for over 6,500 carriers, PFCs, MGAs, and agencies across the country and is PCI Level 1 secure. The company's online payments solution is now available within the Trailblazer-Portal™ platform through a custom API integration. This integration speeds up receivables and binding business while providing a more secure and frictionless customer experience.

"Consumer demand for easy, paperless payments has been growing for decades, and that expectation now extends to the insurance industry," said ePayPolicy CEO Mark Engels. "In the same way that insurers need to upgrade to modern management systems like Trailblazer Technology, integrated digital payments are also essential. Making payments easier for everyone involved is an absolute must in order for small insurers to remain competitive." 

About Trailblazer Technology

Trailblazer Technology is a provider of P&C software solutions specifically designed for smaller insurers. Our core-systems platform addresses the end-to-end needs of small carriers, MGAs, Pools, Self-Isured-Groups, and Mutuals. Trailblazer Technology is a community of insurance software veterans with a deep history of success building cloud solutions for the insurance industry. 

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About ePayPolicy

Built by insurance professionals for the insurance industry, ePayPolicy is the fastest, easiest, and most secure way to move money for insurance. ePayPolicy's products bring insurance payments up to speed for agencies, carriers, MGAs, and PFCs, with secure online payment pages and automated check processing with CheckMate. More than 6,500 insurance companies trust ePayPolicy and its expert, live support team to handle their payments every day. 

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Source: Trailblazer Technology


Tags: Insurance, Insurtech, P&C Insurance

About Trailblazer Technology

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Trailblazer Technology is a provider of P&C software solutions specifically designed for smaller insurers. Our core-systems platform addresses the end-to-end needs of small carriers, MGAs, Pools, Self-Isured-Groups and Mutuals. Trailblazer Technology is a community of insurance software veterans with a deep history of success building cloud solutions for the insurance industry.
With over $100 billion in Property and Casualty premium written by smaller insurers in the US, Trailblazer recognizes the importance of delivering a multi-tenant cloud software platform tailored exclusively for smaller insurers. Our team’s passion and commitment ensure that we go the extra mile to provide the best results, making us the trusted partner for smaller insurers seeking innovative and highly configurable technology solutions in the rapidly-changing insurance landscape.